Chapter 15

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Lucas's P.o.v

I open the door.. I clear the table and set her down. "Lucas what is going on?" My father ask.

"I don't know. She just blacked out." My parents come and take a look. "What is going on?" My siblings come down. Farkle races to Riley. "What happened!?" He glares at me. "I didn't do anything."

"I need you to leave the room. All of you."

"What? No way." Me and Farkle say in unison. We look at each other and back to our parents. "Lucas, Farkle go now." He demands and pushes us out.

Lucas Father's P.O.V

I slip her over and see the claw mark on her back. My wife takes off the top and I clean it up. I patch it but that's all I can do. She dresses her and sets her on the couch with a blanket. "What are we going to do?" I shrug. "I gave her a shot to slow the spread but that's all I can do. It's going to spread and will finish in at least 7 months tops."

"Well do you know what's going to happen to her?" I stay quiet not really knowing if I should say the stages. "Anthony?"

"In the first few month she will feel nothing. She could do anything she wants but in at least month 4 she will feel faster stronger but it will weaken her. Make her feel tired. As time goes she will feel a lot of pain. Soon after, her veins will turn black and will show through her skin." She gasp.

"So she will die?"

"Y-yes. But we have enough time to figure out what to do." We look once before leaving.

"Should we tell them?" She questions. "Tell us what?"

"She's doing just fine. I fixed her wound and she should wake up in only a few hours." They nod and sigh in relief. They walk away. "We have to keep this from them. For all we know we have no Idea what Lucas would be capable of or what he would do if he found out."

"What do you mean? That he loves her?" I shrug. "It's possible but he knows that, that can't happen." She nods.

We hear a knock at the door. I open it.

"I'm here for my daughter." Interesting smell of blood. "I'm sorry?" my wife says. "Mrs. Matthews what are you doing here?" We hear Lucas ask. "I'm here for Riley." she push past us and to the room where Riley is.

"Oh my Riley?" she rushes over to her and stroke her hair. "What happened?" she growls anger practically oozing out of her. "I assure you that she will be um fine."

"You're lying." She whispers. "Lucas leave the room." He does. "Ms. Matthews..." I break the news down to her. Hot tears run down her cheeks and we leave her alone.

"What are we going to do?"

"Make or Find a cure." 


Don't kill me! I know the shortest chapter I ever did. But finally an UPDATE!  

And I'm so sorry that she has to die in this book! Oops sorry. But hey at least you get to guess who dies. I said 'HER ' not Riley. And yes people die in this book. Sadly. But anyway sorry for a very Very long wait. 

I really didn't think that it will get this many reads. I don't think a lot of things. Anyway thank you for reading. Voting and with the way I'm planning on ending this book I need you guys to tell me whether or not to make a sequel to it when we get there alright? Promise? Okay good. I LOVE YOU ALL


~~ ZENDAYA92 ~~

''Stand In The Light And Be Seen As We Are...''

                                                  - Jordan Smith

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