Chapter 17

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*Okay so most of the story is going to be in Riley's P.O.V of course some other here and there so pay attention to those you never know what is important. Okay read on :D *

I was finally back at school everyday getting colder by the second. But I don't think the Friars was phased by it at all. Speaking of the friars Lucas is a ghost. He's just never there anymore. I never see him at lunch. I never see him in class either. He's just not there. The rest of his family is and when I go up to them they walk away as if I never existed.

As for Maya she's been acting weird. But at least she's not dropping me like rain. It's November 10th a wednesday. Heading to my next class I look for any sign of well anyone really. I was almost to my class in the middle of the hall and then I just stopped. Everything felt slow. A screeching pain went up my back and through my legs and arms. I felt like falling to my feet and just scream but I didn't. I just stood there like a statue not moving not doing anything. I felt numb. I slowly lift my head and felt a whoosh of wind past by me and I turn and see nothing of the sort.

Everything came back and the halls were empty. I look at the time. I'm 5 minutes late to class. Had I been standing there that long? I quickly head to my class and sit in my seat. "Riley your late."

"Sorry Ms.Betchner I promise it won't happen again."

"It alright Riley since it's your first time I'll let this one slide." I nod. She writes something on the board. "Myth. What do you guys know about Myths?" A girl to my far right rasies her hand. "A Myth is a story that can't be proven true"

"Close but no. A myth a just well a story. Like Werewolves. They're a Myth. They don't exist. They are just figures people come up with and add a story to them."

"Like Candyman?" She shakes her head. "No Candyman is an urban legend. It's when the story could be true but it could never happen."

"So are fairies a Myth?" A boy ask. "Yes they are." I roll my eyes. Man if these people only knew. But hey I can't just say 'Well that's not true. I know a whole family of Vamps and a werewolf and I can prove it!' No that's stupid and people would call me crazy. "Riley what do you know about myths?" She ask me.

"Well I-" I cut myself off because of this gut feeling. It was twisting in me as if to say 'Keep your mouth shut.' "Riley?"

"I know that they're really isn't much to them. Of course they are used in books and movies but it doesn't make them real. And what you said is right they are just made up figures with a back story. No one really knows how these things got started but them being here gave different please ideas for them."

"That's right and it also is connected to my assignment. Well done Riley." I nod. "You are asked to write my a short story on any myth you want." Everyone gave a silent yes. "Your deadline is before Thanksgiving break." Just then the bell rings. "I expect it to be on my desk. Goodbye." You want a short story? How about my whole life.

It was lunch. I didn't eat anything because well it didn't look good in my eyes. So I go to one of the many trees here and sit down. "Hey Riles. Can I sit?" I look up to see Farkle. "Sure." I scoot over and he sits next to me. "Hey can I ask you what's going on? I never see any of you guys here anymore. It's like you're ignoring me." I explain straight.

"Trust me it's nothing like that. We are just getting ready for our camping trip." I nod. "Oh okay." It was silent for a while until he spoke up. "Maybe you can go camping with us." I smile. "Yeah I would like that. That would be really fun actually." We stand up. "Cool. We leave Friday night." I put it in my phone as a reminder. "Okay and it's set."

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