Alice Human Sacrifice Part one

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To be honest I was thinking of of doing this all in one, but I decided to cut them into parts, so yeah

Warning: Gore, cussing(maybe) and character have been warned



In a dark quiet room, there was a lone person sitting in the middle of the room, looking down, his brown bangs covering his upper face and in his lap was a book with a blank page, also beside him was five plushies seemed to represent a person.

He hummed and simple tone under his breath as he picked up one of the plushies in one hand and in the other hand was a sewing needle and with that, he started adding things to the plushie.

After ten minutes, he was finished and smiled at the results. The plushie have brown hair over its right red button, a white shirt, dark grey pants and black shoes. It also had purple wristbands and black and green headphones.

He, then, grabbed the next one and started to add things, one plushie at a time. Ten minutes later, he finally finished and placed the plushies in front of him in a neat line, and then he picked up an ink pen and looked at the blank page and started writing, then the first plushie disappeared.

There once was a little dream

Then the second plushie disappeared

No one knows who dreamt it. It really was such a small dream.

The third plushie disappeared

This made the little dream think... 'I don't want to disappear, how can I make people dream me?'

The fourth plushie disappeared

The little dream thought and thought... And at last had an idea!

Then the last plushie disappeared

I will make people come to me...and they will make my world.

When he finished writing on the first page, he looked where the plushies once were and started to chuckle. At first it was low, and then it became a full blown laughter. After a few minutes of laughter, it started to quiet down as he stared at the next blank page with white glowing eyes and a smirk.

"Let the dream begin" he simply said,


He groans lightly as he slowly woke up to the sun in his eyes. "Ugh, what happened" he asked to himself, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. Then he started looking around, and found that he's in a forest, so he slowly got off the ground and took a step forwards, but looked down when he felt himself stepping on something.

"What" he said confused when he saw a diamond sword. Still confused, Deadlox picked up the sword, "How did the sword get here, is it mine" he's asking himself, looking at the sword. "Mm, seems like it's in good condition" swinging the sword a few times before deciding to take it with him and kept walking.

"Have to get out of this forest, I need answers" Deadlox told himself, unknowingly clenching the handle of the sword tightly. Then he sighs in relief when he saw the opening, ran towards it and seeing a village at the distance.

When making it to the village, he started going around and asking, but every time he asks a villager, all he gets was a glare or silence. 'What's their problem' he thought, walking through the village, 'They're glaring at me like I did something wrong' he thought, feeling a bit angry. Gripping the handle tightly, he started to just pass by the villagers, not bothering to talk to them.

At each passing villager, he started to get angrier and angrier, but he doesn't know why. 'What the nether is their problems' he thought to himself as another villager glared at him, but as he was thinking to himself, he didn't realize his red eye glowing slightly and his knuckles turning white from gripping the handle too tightly. He also didn't notice that some of the villagers that seen him started to get a bit scared and backing away from him.

"Excuse me mister, but are you okay", Deadlox was snapped out of his thoughts and looks down to see a young girl looking up at her with innocent eyes. He simply stared at her for a few minutes, 'Stop looking at me like that' he thought as he stared into her innocent eyes.

'Kill her' he tensed up when he heard a dark voice in his head. 'Who's there?' he asked in his head, 'Just do it' the voice growls back. "Mister" the little girl asked again, causing Deadlox to flinched a bit from the innocent voice. 'Please stop' he silently begged in his head, unknowingly raised his sword. 'That's it, raise it up' the voice encouraged him. Deadlox had his sword raised over his head, causing the girl to look up at him, holding her doll close. 'DO IT' the voice yelled out.

"Mist-" her voice cut out as Deadlox swung his sword down, cutting her head clean off, causing blood spilling out, covering him. His actions caused the villagers that saw it panic and started screaming and running away from the scene.

Deadlox was frozen, staring at the headless body on the ground. "W-What" he mutters out, barely noticing the warm blood on his face and shirt. 'Feels good doesn't it?' The voice asked him in a smug tone. 'I-It did feel good' he thought, slowly grinning, 'It feels so good' he told the voice. "I want more" He mutters, started walking to find more villagers.

Soon the village was soon filled with terrifying screams and the scent of blood, but what was out of place of insane laughter mixing in with the screams. "THAT'S IT RUN AWAY!!" Deadlox cackled in glee, striking down another villager. A few villagers were brave enough to try to take him down, but they were all killed. Soon after, the village became silent as Deadlox killed the last villager.

Deadlox was walking through the streets, covered in blood and dragging his sword behind, which was covered in blood as well, his sword leaving a bloody trail behind. The only thing was heard was his harsh breathing. 'I need more' he thought as he unknowingly started heading to the forest. Walking into the forest, he didn't notice some vines moving towards him.

"Huh" he mutters, hearing something behind him, turning around, he was confused when he didn't see anything. Then he yelled out when he felt something wrapped around his ankles and wrists, "AHHH!" he screamed as he was lifted off the ground, dropping his sword, "WHAT THE FUCK!" he exclaimed, seeing the vines wrapping itself around his arms, legs and chest before yelping in pain feeling thorns piercing his skin and his blood sipping out of the wounds.

"LET GO!" he shouted, struggling against the grip, screaming out in pain from feeling the thorns digging into his skin. Then he stopped, feeling something wrapped around his neck and tensed, feeling thorns pressing against his skin. He then heard footsteps in front of him, looking forwards, he saw someone in front of him, wearing a cloak with their hoodie up, covering their face.

"Who are you?" Deadlox asked the person. The person merely chuckles, looking up at him, which caused Deadlox to get angry. "Shut up!" he hissed in anger, glaring at the person.

The person smirks and lowers the hoodie, which caused Deadlox to gasp, eyes widen. "W-Wha-" he started to say when he gasps loudly in pain, feeling the thorns sink into his neck, causing blood to spill out and started choking in his own blood. The person was simply watching him as Deadlox was slowly choking to death.

A few minutes later, Deadlox became limp, blankly staring at the person. He looked at the body and shakes head, "You're not the one" he said and simply walks away, leaving the body behind.


So yeah this is part one of the series Alice Human Sacrifice: Deadlox

So I'm going to leave you guys wondering who's the next Alice..........even though I have already picked them so yeah

Comment on what you think so far and yeah

Piper out-

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