Chapter 10

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Previously on The Hamilton Sister...

   Alexander did something even more scandalous though, he had an affair with a women who went by the name of Maria Reynolds.


I heard a knock at the door and one of Washington's maids got it.

"Mrs.Laurens, it's for you." She called as I got up from my desk and closed my notebook.
I picked up the ends of my dress and went to the door.

There I saw Angelica while holding a paper tightly in her hand, "May I please come in?" She asked and I nodded, letting her in quickly.
"What's wrong? Why are you not in London?" I asked her confused and worried.
"Haven't you read the paper yet?" She asked me as I slowly shook my head, "Frances died and....I've just been too busy planning her funeral to do anything else..." I said while she gasped.
"Angelina I'm sorry, I didn't know...." She said putting a hand over her mouth while hugging me.
"It's alright, Jackson is supposed to be coming home soon from Lafayette's home, I'm so blessed to be friends with Lafayette, he helps me in so many ways...." I say as my voice trails off and she looks like she's about to cry.
"Are you alright?" I asked as she shook her head, "Please sit down and read this." She said, handing me the paper in her hand, I looked at her confused but sat down anyway.

The charge against me is a connection with one, James Reynolds. For purposes of improper speculation, my real crime is an amorous connection with his wife, for a considerable time with his knowing consent.

Alexander, you didn't.

I had frequent meetings with her
Most of them at my own house.

His own house....dear lord...

Mrs. Hamilton with our children being absent on a visit to her father.

Damn, I can't believe it....

"Does Eliza know?" I asked while slowly putting the paper down. Angelica nodded as I sighed, "That's why I'm here, she asked for you to come see her." She said as I nodded.


The Reynolds Pamphlet was proof of the first ever political sex scandal of America, everything that Alexander had built, becoming Washington's Right Hand Man to his political career, it was all ruined and Alexander had thrown away his shot.
After a few days, I went over to their house to check on Eliza, Phillip, and not to mention give Alexander a piece of my mind, but he was unfortunately not there so I had done only 2/3 of those options.


I knocked on the door, ready to tell at Alexander, only to have Phillip open the door.
For a few seconds I couldn't say anything, just look at Phillip.
Phillip, now 19, has grown up quite a bit, he greatly resembled John now, making it hurt to see him.
"Aunt Angelina, it's great to see you." Phillip said in a sort of relieved tone and hugged me.
I hugged back, confused, "What's wrong? Are you alright Phillip?" I asked as he shook his head, "After mother kicked father out of the house, she's been a little..... distant lately so I've been caring for the others." He explained as I nodded.
"Will you take me to her?" I asked as he nodded and led me inside, he took me upstairs to a room and knocked, "Phillip, please go away... I don't want you seeing me like this..." Eliza weakly said from inside.
I nodded to Phillip as he nodded back, walking away, "Eliza, it's me, Angelina, please open up." I asked softly.
After a few seconds, the door opened slowly to reveal a terrible looking Eliza, "...please come into the room, I don't want any of the children seeing me like this....." She said as I quickly stepped into the dimly lit room.
"How have you been feeling?" I asked her, as I led her to the bed to sit on.
"..hurt...betrayed... defenseless.... It's hard Angelina..." She said quietly as I put a hand on her shoulder.
"Eliza, your better than him ok? He missed out on an amazing and beautiful woman for 30 minutes of pleasure." I said to her as she nodded slowly, "Can you help me with something?" She asked as I nodded immediately.
"What is it?" I asked as she held her breath for a second then said, "I want to burn letters, sent from me and Alexander back and forth, can you help me?"
I looked at her shocked for a second but then nodded, "I'll start the fire...." I said as she got up and started collecting letters.
I went downstairs, grabbed a bin and went outside with matches, ready to burn whatever she needed burnt.
Eliza came outside with a stack of letters, "I saved every letter he wrote me...." She said while pulling a letter out of the stack and handed it to me with shaking hands, "Angelica said to me to be careful with him, that he would do what it takes to survive, I reread every single letter...." She said to me quietly as I burned one after the other.
"His words flooded my senses, his sentences left me defenseless....he even built me palaces out of paragraphs....he built cathedrals."
"When he was mine, the world just....burned...."
"In clearing his name, he has ruined our lives.......Do you know what Angelica said? When she read what he'd done? She had said that my brother was an Icarus.....he has flown too close to the sun."
"I'm erasing myself from the narrative Angelina, I am gonna make future historians wonder how Eliza reacted when he broke her heart.....the world has no right to my heart, no place in our bed.... they don't get to know what I said."
I burned the last letters as Eliza had tears falling down her cheeks, "I hope that he burns....." She whispered as I pulled her into a hug.


Eliza's heart had been broken, but after what happened to Phillip and Jackson..... Our whole family had their hearts broken.


I waited at the dock, due to Jackson coming home today and his ship to be here any second, suddenly Angelica ran up to me, "Angelina! Phillip's wounded!" She yelled at me while running up.
"Where is he?" I yelled back, "At the doctors, hurry! I'll wait for Jackson!" She commanded, I didn't have to hear those words twice.
I ran to the doctors as fast as my legs could carry me, I bursted in and a nurse looked at me, like I was insane.
"Where is Phillip Hamilton?!" I asked as she pointed to a room, I thanked her and dashed into the room to see Alexander and Eliza sitting at bedside with him, "Phillip!" I said as I ran towards him.
"Angelina..." He said softly and grabbed me before I could run over to him, "Alexander let go of me!" I yelled, "HE'S GONE ANGELINA! His gone......" His yell turned into a whisper as I looked at Eliza, tears growing in my eyes.
"I'm sorry...." She whimpered, I looked at the both of them and I felt the tears start running down my cheeks.
"Angelina....." Angelica said walking in as I looked up at her, only to see that Jackson wasn't with her, "Where's Jackson?" I asked her as she put her head down.
"Angelina he.....his ship.....his ship got lost at sea....they can't find it..." She said as I shook my head, refusing to believe what I was hearing.
", he is still here..." I said and ran out and back towards the dock, where families from before, looked so anxious for the ship, now were now in tears.
"We are sorry for your losses everyone......we wish that we could have helped some way...." A man on a box said, I felt anger rush over my body and I got up to the front.
"Excuse me but did YOU lose someone important in your life because of your ship?! No! I lose the last child that me and my late husband birthed! My son was all I had of my late husband, and now he's gone because of you!" I yelled angrily at the man as he stood there shocked.
I rushed off home, in a way that i wasn't expecting to.....alone.

***A/n: Ok so I'm ending the chapter short due to me wanting to save more things so that I could have more chapters, I'm doing it to continue to book more in other words so instead of writing to at least 2000 words, it is to be around 1000 to 1500, thank you and goodnight!***

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