Chapter 8

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Previously on The Hamilton Sister....

I took the letter and nodded a thank you before going to John's office and opening it up.


My dearest Angelina,
How are you my dear? I hope that your doing well, oh how I miss you.
If you didn't talk to Alexander yet, which I doubt you did, then you should know that I got into a dual with Charles Lee, I won by shooting him into the side.
Alexander, on the other hand, got into trouble and was sent home.
I sort of wish that it was me who got sent home instead of him, then I could help you.
Also I have been thinking about Baby names, for a girl I was thinking Eleanor, after my mother, and then for a boy I was thinking Jackson.
I must unfortunately go now, stay safe my love.
John Laurens

I smiled at the letter, I quickly grabbed the quickest pen and paper near me and wrote.

My dearest John,
I miss you dearly as well, I can't wait for you to come home soon.
I have been thinking about Baby names as well, boys not so much but I agree on Jackson, I was thinking maybe even Henry.
I love the idea of Eleanor but I also found another name of Frances, me and Eliza agree that Marquis de Lafayette would like the meaning of this name.
Frances means from France or free man.
I certainly like it! I love you my dear, stay safe as well.


I smiled while putting my head on John's shoulder, who was holding our baby girl, who we decided to name Frances Eleanor Laurens.
"She's so beautiful." Laurens whispers while cradling her.
"I know, she's gonna blow us all away some day, I can feel it." I said as John kissed her head, "She'll blow us all away..." John says with his voice trailing off.
"I have a surprise for you...." I said making him look at me.
"What?" He asked getting excited, "Let me go get it." I said, getting excited as well, even though I know what it is.
I walked out of the room and to my desk, where papers were spreaded all about, yet one paper stood out the most.
I picked up the paper from the doctor, and walked back to the room to hear John singing.
"I may not live to see our glory....but I will gladly join the fight..... And when our children tell our story...." He sang softly while stroking Frances cheek with his thumb.
"Telling the story of....." I started singing walking in making him look at me with a smile, I held out the paper towards him.
"Tonight." I finished and took Frances while he took the paper and read it.
"We are having a son...." He said, his face now softening.
I nodded with a smile, "How long have you known?" He asks excitedly while reading over the paper again, "A week or so, it was so hard for me to not tell you!" I said happily.
"Well, I already have the perfect name for him." John says with a smile, "What?" I asked.
"Jackson Henry Laurens." John said happily as I laughed, "Alright deal."


Everything was great in our family, it was like the whole world was ours, but then John started acting weird one night, and little did I know that his actions was to be the heart break of us all.


"John, what are you doing up so late?" I asked trying to get down the stairs, but with me being pregnant, it was certainly harder.
"Angelina, please just go back to sleep." John said, not even looking at me while he ran around.
"I'm not going back to sleep until you come with me. Why are you acting so strange?" I questioned, he finally looked back at me.
John looked as if he was fixing to cry, he then ran up the stairs and engulfed me in a big but gentle hug, "I love you, you know that right?" He asked as I nodded, "Then please know that whatever happens tonight, it's for good, this is something important and I need to get it done." John said, he kissed me on the head then ran back down the stairs, grabbing papers with him as he went.
"John!" I yelled out causing him to look back at me.
"Please don't leave, that would be enough..."
"I'm sorry, but this is something I have to do."
And just like that, he was gone, and I was left with Frances crying out for me and then me, holding my stomach, tears threatening to spill.


"Please! Open up the door!" A mans voice said from outside, I quickly rushed as fast as I could to open the door.
"What is it?" I asked worriedly as the man took my hand quickly, "Hurry, your husband's dying! He got shot!" The man said pointing to a carriage.
"Watch my daughter upstairs, her name is Frances!" I yelled, running to the carriage as fast as I could.
After what felt like hours but in reality was only about 15 minutes, we arrived, I rushed inside, "Where's my husband?!" I yelled earning a doctor's attention, "Mrs. Laurens, come in, your husband has been asking for you specifically-"
"Is he alive? May I see him?"
"Yes, but you have to understand, he's lost a lot of blood..." The doctor then put me in a room, where John was laying on a bed, blood all over him.
"John!" I yelled running over to him, " dear...." He said, barely able to talk.
He then handed me a letter, "I...I" He said, taking my hand and squezzing it tight.
"I love you too...." I said, feeling myself fixing to cry as his hand went limp, no longer squezzing mine.
"John....John....JOHN!" I screamed as a nurse dragged me away from him, "Please wait here." The nurse commanded as she closed the door to the room.
I looked down at letter in my hand and quickly ripped it open.

My dearest Angelina,
A man is writing these letter while I speak to him, he is quite nice and I'm thankful to have him write this letter for me to you.
I was shot Angelina, 7 or 12 times they say but I cannot remember, it turns out that the war is over, we just have never gotten the news, so much for relatives, huh my dear.
Be sure that when Frances and our son grow up, they grow up to blow us all away like you and Alexander, I want to at least know that if I die, then I'll die knowing that they were productive with things in their life.
Our son. Name him Jackson Henry Laurens, my dear, please my darling, take your time, I'll see you on the other side,
Your John Laurens

I gripped the letter tightly as I let the tears fall, "I'll name him Jackson..... I'll name him Jackson....."

***A/N: Welp....there goes my heart 😭😭😭 Hope you all enjoyed this chapter, night!***

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