1- New guy

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"No! Don't leave me! Please! No! No! Nooo!"

I snap awake in a cold sweat. I ran a pale, shaking hand through my ginger hair. I glance at my clock. It's 6am. I guess that means no morning run. Recovering from my nightmare, I get up from my white king sized bed and head for the mahogany wardrobe at the opposite end of my plain room. It seems regular at first glance until you push the tile directly in the centre of the back of the wardrobe and then slide the panel right. I walk through the clothes and do just that to reveal a corridor which I follow to a plain white door. I open it.

My own mall. Not literally. But it does have a kitchen and believe me when I say it's big enough to be one. 3 floors; one for shoes, one for clothes and one for accessories. I go to the second floor, clothes. I grab the outfit laid out in front of me and change from my navy, silk pyjamas to a grey Rolling Stones t-shirt , loose jeans and hoodie, both black. Colour coordination is essential no matter how you dress. I grab some black ballet pumps which were next to the the chair as I look at my phone. I look in the mirror. Perfect. I look plain. Good. I tie my hair in a fish tail and check my phone. 6.30. No! I have to be at school in 15 minutes, I'm on library duty.

I grab a piece of toast from the side yelling a quick thanks to the maid.
The garage door opens. I unlock my old rusty truck and head straight for Malibu High. I pull up in the surprisingly full parking lot and rush towards the lifeless library.

"Morning Ichigo." Grumbles an exhausted Miss Harly,the librarian.

"Morning." I sigh, immediately grabbing a stack of books from a table.

The library's huge, making it almost impossible to find what you're looking for. It's one of the biggest in the state actually. Luckily we have a 'state of the art computer system', you know, the ones that never work.

I begin to put the books away in order when Leanne bursts through the door.

"LLLEEEAAANNNEEE!!!" I mimic my best friend.

"Guess what!" She squeals.

"What?" I roll my eyes.

"He's here!"

"Who?" I question, my curiosity getting the better of me.

"A new guy!" She squeals yet again. "A HOT new guy."

"Oh wow." I say waving my spare arm, mimicking her gestures. "A HOT guy."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." She tilts her head. "But seriously, everybody came in early to see him."

"Interesting." I sarcastically mumble whilst slotting Shakespeare's 'Romeo and Juliet' back into place. I never understood that book. Why would you kill yourself because the one you love died- without checking that they're actually dead. I mean come on, and it took all that for families to settle there differences, plus they only knew each other for 4 days. Don't get me wrong it is one of Shakespeare's best, but....... as good as it is I love happy endi-

"HELLO!?" Yells Leanne, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Leanne! Ichigo! The bells gonna go in 15 if you want somethin to eat go now." Speaks Brandon.

"I'm good, ate toast on the way here."
I announce, placing the last two books on the correct shelves before turning to Leanne.

"Nah, same here." Leanne shrugs.

"Wow, you actually ate before school." He feigns shock, placing his olive hand against his white shirt, and widening his chocolate eyes. "What's next? Leanne doing homework?"

"Ha. Ha." Leanne says narrowing her eyes at Brandon.

"Well I guess I could go for a coffee considering that I'm finished here."
I suggest. They nod there heads in agreement.

Leanne fiddles with her blonde curls and straightens her pink skater skirt and white blouse, before adjusting her ray bans over her blue eyes, which match my own."What? A girl can't put in a little effort?" She defended herself as me and Brandon rolled our eyes.

As we walk down the stairs, we see a crowd of people gathered near the bottom. Must be the new guy. As we walk past I get a short glimpse of the guy in the middle. His stunning brown curls were accompanied by emerald green eyes which, for a brief moment, catch my own. I was the first to break the contact as I continued walking towards the cafeteria. I'm sure I've seen him somewhere before.

We reach the front of the queue and speak to the lunch lady. "Hey Janice, please could I have three coffees with plenty of milk and 2 sugars please."

She scowls, causing the wrinkles around her mouth to crease even further and her mole to twitch. Me, Brandon and Leanne all exchange a look and try to contain our laughter.
We attempt to compose ourselves as she slams three cups of coffee in front of us. "Six dollars." She demands sticking her boney wrinkled hand out.
I place the money in her hand and we walk of with our coffees as Leanne smiles at Janice.

"Wow, that smile is as fake as a three dollar bill." Laughs Brandon, who runs his hand through his black hair as he he nods at some giggling girls.

"Wow what a great statement coming from mr. 'I think me and you have a special connection, so let's hook up in a dirty old closet and fuck'" retorts Leanne.

Brandon raises an eyebrow "Really? That's the best you could come up with?" He laughs as Leanne playfully punches him.


"There goes the bell, time for class." I smile.

"Uuuurrrrrhhhh." Moan Leanne and Brandon.

Luckily me and Brandon are in the same class for homeroom, and Leanne is trying to get herself moved to this class. Me and Brandon were talking when Mr. Lawredson entered.
"We have a new student joining us today." He announced scratching the top of his bald head, revealing the sweat patches on his armpits.

Please be Leanne! Please be Leanne!

"Class, please welcome Mr. Alex Johnson." He says tiredly, lying back in his chair as Alex enters the class.

Whisper erupt from the students as a boy with brown hair and green eyes enters the room.

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