8- The date

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"Where are we going?" I questioned

"I told you, you'll see when we get there." He laughed. I simply rolled my eyes in response.

"Could you be anymore cliché?" I mock him.

"Only for you." He winked. Oh god.

I looked out of the window to be greeted by a dense forest guarding the road. I'm seriously being too trusting today.
15 minuets later we pull up near a forest path. Wow, I swear if he takes me to a cute little hideout, I'm gonna be sick.

"Don't worry, I'm not that cliche." He laughs, practically reading my mind. I reply to his comment with what seems like my hundredth eye roll of the day.

We follow a path which leads to a small restaurant in the middle. Nothing fancy, just a normal restaurant, but the simplicity leaves me kind of relived. I don't particularly want to be stuck in an awkwardly formal situation.

"It doesn't look like much, but the food here's great." He smiles confidently.

"Sure, let's get this over with." I laugh.

"Well that was rude." Comments.

"I was told I must not tell lies." I smirk.

"You did not just." He palms himself in the face.

"I did." Laughing lat his understanding of my reference.

Taking my hand he leads us through the small wooden door at the restaurant and pulls me to a small wooden table. There were menus in the a little holder. While we looking at what food they served, I made sure I took the address and anything I found even remotely significant and made a quick note. While looking around I appreciate the simple yet stylish decor around us. The tables and chairs were all wooden and an old fashioned painting hung on the wall, accompanied by a fake silver deer head. It vaguely resembled an old fashioned hunting pub, which, now I think about it, matches the location perfectly. I scan the menu searching for something to eat. Oh my god. They do chicken kievs! I've not had one of those in years. My face lit up. Ok maybe I'm a bit of a simpleton. But anyway, George must have noticed, he raised an eyebrow, confused by my reaction. I simply flipped the menus in response and pointed to the kievs. And obviously he burst out laughing. I blow my cheeks out in response to his sudden outburst.

"Can I take your order?" I turn to see a waitress around our age smiling at George. George glances at me to see if her attempt to grab my attention bothered me. Needless to say it didn't. Romance quite clearly isn't my thing, and a boy bribing me with his cool car wasn't going to change that. A hint of disappointment flashed over his eyes as he realised my disinterest. Despite his sudden drop in mood he looked back at the waitress and smiled brightly.

"We'll have a garlic Kiev and a cheese burger please. And two cokes?" He says the last bit questioningly, checking my order was correct. I nod in response.

"Is that everything?" The waitress asks, twirling a strand of her chestnut hair around her finger.

"Yes, thank you." George replays politely. As she walks away she drops a piece of paper from her notepad onto the floor, glancing back as she did so. George picked up, allowing me to see the back of it as he did so. 'Call me- 000000000' I could barely contain my laughter at her attempt. George smirked at me seemingly noticing my amusement.

"Excuse me." He calls to the waitress. She looks back a smile etched onto her face. "Me and my date noticed you dropped something." He says shooting her down from her high. Her smile visibly falters, as she walks back to claim the piece is paper, it was almost pitiful. I almost felt sorry for her, it was really quite pitiful to watch. However I wouldn't do well at my job if I let things as insignificant as this get to me. She returns to the bar and George turns back to me.

"Date huh?" I question, my eyebrow raised.

"Well, I'm going to consider this a date." He grins mischievously, I shake my head chuckling at his response, remembering what Leanne had said earlier. We continue to participate in idle chitchat as we wait for our food.

"I don't mean to to blunt you loo really hot, so why do you wear such baggy unflattering clothes at school?" He questions boldly whilst smirking.

"Well isn't somebody being bold?" I laugh " I only met you yesterday, to be quite frank I'm probably insane for going with you this easily, so how do you know I didn't just have a wardrobe malfunction." I say brushing if his questions.

"Fair enough, you present a good point." He speaks much mocking the tone of a lawyer. "We shall test that theory on Monday, when we return to the scene of said events," He states causing me to laugh lightly.

"So what, am I on trial now?" I grin at him.

He was about to reply but the food was placed in front of us by a much more pissed looking waitress. I wonder if it was because he turned her down. Oh well she smiles a fake, sickly smile before heading back to the kitchen. I couldn't help but to snicker, so did George, and somehow we ended up in a laughing fit. A few minutes later we returned to our usual calm state and began to eat. Again I have to emphasise the love I feel towards garlic kievs. My mouth practically waters as I begin eating. We were finishes in no time, and we're left waiting on dessert. I had ordered myself a large chocolate brownie covered in peanut butter cookie dough, topped with another brownie, with a scoop of peanut butter ice cream with a peanut butter cup on top. 'I'm seriously going to need to go to the gym after this' I think looking the pile of gooey deliciousness in front of me. Across from George had already began to eat his vanilla ice cream. 'Tch, how boring' I mumble under my breath.

"I'll have you know that vanilla is a very interesting flavour." He proudly declares pointing his spoon at me.

"Sure it is, how'd you even here me anyway, I mean come on what are you a bat?" I mock.

"Why of course. Didn't you see me flying around yesterday?" I roll my eyes at his use of sarcasm.

"Ha. Ha. Ha." I reply blandly. However I am soon caught in his joining in on his infectious smile.

I had just finished my amazing desert, and was contemplating getting another, do t judge I love my food, when I saw George's face drop as he looked at whatever was behind me. I turned to see him locking eyes in an intense glare with the one and only Alex, who seems to have just noticed my presence.

I'm so sorry for the late update guys I've changed my mind about this chapter so many times and I've also had a lot of stuff going on in the real world, but I'm back now and I still can't emphasise how sorry I am it's been like 5 months holy cow. Well thank you for sticking with it means a lot, and everyone's  comments really helped so thank you so much!


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