9- Leave me alone

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The tension kept rising as Alex's eyes widened at the sight of me sat with George. However, the one thing on my mind was the fact that they knew each other. George only joined the school after it ended yesterday, so they know each other from somewhere else and it's my job to know the people around me. If I couldn't even find out that much I'm not worth my salt, you see I know everything about everyone, I guess you could say I'm one hell of gang leader.

As his eyes flicked between us, you could see the anger slowly beginning rise in his eyes. I tensed as he clenched his fists. This is not going to end well is it?

"Alex!" George laughs lightly. "What a pleasure." He says with a hint of sarcasm.

"George!" Alex mocks. "What a distasteful surprise." During their interaction one of Alex's new asshole of a friend stepped forward with a smirk plastered on his face. His friends maybe attractive, but they have a personality which resembles the face of a blob-fish.

"Ichigo!" Alex's friend winks at me, his eyes roaming my body. I raise an eyebrow. This is why is should've worn my hoodie, that or men could stop being pigs.

"Wanna move your eyes off my boobs?" I ask with a threatening undertone. This attracts the attention of both Alex and George.

"Damn girl, so that's what you've been hiding under your hoodie." Another one of his friends piped up. "You might wanna take it off more often." He says smirking, clearly waiting for a comment of approval off of Alex, who instead simply begins to walk over to him threateningly. "What? It was just a joke, chill dude. It's not our fault she got a nice pair." Woah. That's it.

Before George or Alex could beat me to it I was already out my seat and sending a fist straight into that guys face. He hunched over covering his bleeding and, without a doubt, broken nose.

"What the hell!?" The guy who made the first comment yelled as he tried to help stop the bleeding.

"Jason, dude, you ok." Alex says laughing. Jason glares at him warning him to stop. "You totally asked for it bro." Alex says grinning. I could see George smiling from his seat as he watched the scene in amusement.

I walked out the diner before they kicked me out and pulled out my phone. What the hell am I supposed to do now!? I didn't even get a chance to finish my food, what a waste. I walk towards the main road whilst scrolling through my contacts. I can't call Leanne- too dramatic. I can't call Brandon- too much to explain. But just as I'm about to give up and start walking I scroll past Jacks number. Well I guess I've not got much of a choice have I? Reluctantly I tap on the contact and raise the phone to my ear. After only a couple rings my call was accepted.

"B-boss?" His shakey voice answers. "Is there a problem?"

"Jack. I need a favor." I respond. Within 15-20 he was here. This is why I keep everyone's numbers on hand. The sound of his motorbike destroys the previous silence as he pulls up next to me. Just as he does I hear my name being called, too late I thought.

"Hey boss." He smiles as he pulls of his helmet. Ok. He looks pretty hot a leather jacket. He runs a hand through his hair.

"That's a good look on you." I smirk. He simply grins in return.

"I could say the same for you." He says returning the compliment.

"Flirting with your boss. That's pretty gutsy newbie." I smile jokingly as he lets out a light laugh.

"Ichigo!" The voice yelling me gets louder and I can't tell if it's George or Alex. I roll my eyes.

"You gonna let me on or am I gonna have to stand here all day."

"Sorry boss." He speaks handing me a helmet. "So. Who's yelling you."

"Drive now, talk later." I instruct as I throw on the helmet and step onto his red and black Ducati 848 EVO Course.

"Nice ride by the way." I yell, my voice muffled by the helmet.

"Thanks I got it a couple months ago." He yells back. As he sets off I see Alex and George looking in confusion as we ride off.

I ensure my arms are tight around his waist as he speeds up down the road. A smile graces my lips at the familiar feeling of the wind hittling my body. The scenery seemed even better with the air hitting you, like your really there if that makes sense? It just feels more free. As we got onto the more busy city roads the peace as ruined by car engines and buildings. All too soon the ride was over and we parked outside my house. I tore my body off his and pulled off my helmet.

"Nice place." He comets taking off his own.

"Thanks. Took awhile to build the business up enough to buy it. Completely worth it though." I admit. "Well thanks for the ride Jack I'll see you in the next meeting." I wave at him as I head inside.

"No problem boss." I hear him say behind me just before I hear his engine start up. The moment I get inside I yell a quick hi to my house maid and head straight to my room without waiting for a reply, but the moment I push the door open I'm ambushed by loud and exited voice.

"Oh. My. God. Who was that!?" Squeals an edited Leanne.

"A friend. When did you get here?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"About half an hour ago- the house keeper let me in." She responds quickly. "I need a name. He was hot, like really hot. Where are you finding all these guys?" She gushes. I simply roll my eyes, mission change the subject failed.

"I needed a lift back because George was getting  on my nerves and he just so happened to be passing by and I recognized him from middle school. That's it." I shrug.

"Oh. We're still talking bout this later. But how did the date go?" She says leaning against the head board of my bed.

"It wasn't a date." I almost snap as I sit next to her. "And it was fine he took me to a dinner in the woods- which is such a random place- but it was quite nice and the food was really good. It got pretty boring after awhile and George wouldn't stop talking about himself so I left." I lied.

"Urg, I hate guys like that. It makes you wanna yell 'Hello? I'm here too.'" She mumbles "Well anyway I've got to go my Mum wants to go out for a family meal." She groans picking up her bag and heading for my door.

"Have fun." I grin knowing her hatred for any forced family activity. She mumbled some curses before shutting the door behind her. With loud a sigh I collapse onto my bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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