2- Amanda

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Brandon tenses defensively as Alex's green eyes focus on me, as a smirk crept onto his lips. Girls stare as he walks in front of the boy who sits behind me, he glares at him indicating for him to get lost. Poor Andy.

"Hi sweet cheeks." He flashes his trade mark smirk, clearly ignoring Brandon.
I have two choices here a. Talk to him
B. Ignore him. I chose the latter. But seriously, who says sweet cheeks these days?

Brandon shoots daggers towards Alex.

"Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk past again." Alex whispers behind me. Cringe.

Brandon begins to stand but I raise an eyebrow at him in disbelief, almost mocking his effort.

"Are you German cus I wanna be Ger-man." Ok seriously?

"Wow egotistical much." I mutter, causing him to roll his eyes at my sarcastic bite. "Hm, keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find a brain back there."

"So the princess talks to me." Princess, that's just sad.

"Dude." Brandon threatens through clenched teeth.

"Ok, I don't want to offend the little lady's bodyguard now do I." He raises his hands in the air, mocking surrender.

The girls in the class shoot daggers at me, quite possibly from their spiky fake lashes as they seemingly wish to stab me with their stilletoes.

"Alex." Squeals Amanda, batting her perfectly curled lashes and twirling her bleach blonde hair around her finger. "Why are you sat with these losers when you could be sat with me babe." I snicker. "What's so funny Michigo."

"It's Ichigo, I guess all the silicon in your boobs must be effecting your mental capabilities." I reply in a snarky voice laced with venom.

"I'll have you know these are 100% real"

"Ha, about as real as your nose." I comment.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." She stutters as the whole room stares silently in both shock and awe. "Hmph, better watch your back Karri." She scowls, strutting away. Now that plastic bimbo needs to sort her head out.

Sorry this chapter is so short, it was just to introduce the character of Amanda.

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