3- Lunch

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Before I knew it, my morning lessons were over and it was lunch. Students flooded the cafeteria as the smell of cheap food drifted around the school. I entered the crowded room and sat at my hidden table at the back awaiting Leanne. I'd been waiting for a mere few minutes when a large hand found its way onto my shoulder. I instinctively grabbed it and stood up, twisting it behind their back, pushing them to there knees.

"That's one way to greet me." A familiar arrogant voice laughed.

"What do you want." I hissed in Alex's ear.

"Well, first, I'd like you to let go of my arm , secondly a date." He smirks as I realise all eyes are on us.

"If I was you I'd turn around and not come back. Ever." I threaten.

"Oh, feisty, I like that." He winks standing back up. I ignore his pathetic attempts to get my attention and head for the library. Footsteps follow me. God must he be so persistent.

"What!" I yell. Leanne. "Oh thank god it's just you."

"Well that was certainly a sight." She laughs at my misfortune.

"I'll say. What does he even want from me?" I quiz her.

"Maybe he sees your inner awesomeness." She suggests. We burst out laughing clutching our stomachs.

"Well whatever it is, it won't end well."

"There you are babe." An arm throws its self around my shoulder. I shake it of.

"You just won't give up will you." I sigh

"Nope." He says popping the 'p'. And here comes Amanda right on que. Oh joy, with any luck she'll take Alex with her.

"Alex!" She squeals. "Karri." She spits, shooting me a distasteful look.

"Nice to see you too." I murmur rolling my eyes. I use this distraction to sneak away with Leanne.

"Alex!" Leanne mocks. I snicker silently. We are in the library sat in between the shelves on beanbags reading magazines.

"OMG, I've never seen a girl that slutty or desperate in my life."

"I know right." Leanne shakes head at how pathetic Amanda is. "I still can't believe she isn't over that yet." Leanne comments. In 3rd grade, me and Amanda were best friends, like how most enemy's started, and we were playing outside, she was flirting with some boys whilst I was reading by the wall. Tyler, Amanda's crush, sat with me and we were talking. Amanda's face flushed red and she stormed over and tripped over a branch straight into a puddle, but I didn't know that, and I turned to Tyler and pointed to Amanda's skirt and the water dripping from it and yelled that she peed herself and everyone laughed. Ever since that day she devoted herself to making my life miserable.

At that moment the bell rang and we headed for our English class.

I know that chapters are short but I promise they will get longer, I'll do short chapters every now and then between long ones, so there are regular updates. Thanks for reading guys xx

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