6- The plan- 1

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Everyone has a plan. I will pass the test. I will go to college. I will apply for a job. While vague, these are all plans, I mean sure they seem easy enough, but even plans as simple as these can fall through the roof. In comes my gang and school life, if I try to balance it out there will still be flaws, little things that can't be planned. But you can try.

I was on my way  to the 'base'. I'd jumped into the same matte black lambroghini and began my drive. I was officially two hours late, they should consider themselves lucky for the extra time. After being dropped off home by the mystery student, I changed into my skinny black jeans and I tucked in a cream, gold button blouse. I don't have time to go all out. I tie a quick fish tail plait in my hair and add a quick layer of winged eyeliner, and of course add a gun to the waist band of my jeans. At that point I was only 1 and a half hours late but now I'm stuck in traffic. I duck down a side street I see on my left, spotting the exit on the other side. It's about time I got some good luck.

I was about to drive out the other end of the alley, I was right near headquarters. Seriously, how have I never noticed this. I pull up in front of the old building and push open the doors.

"Please tell me you used the extra 2 hours and 15 minutes wisely." I say not even sparing a glance at the table. I sat down in my usual seat, raising my eyebrow expectantly.

"I-I-I think we have an idea." A newer member speaks. He's relatively scrawny compared to every one else but he made the cut.

"You think." I exaggerated the word think.

"We do have an idea." He corrects himself, running a hand through his jet black hair which contrasted his pale complexion. He's got balls I'll give him that, not many people would speak up in their first month never mind their first week.

"Well then let's hear it." I prompt him.

"A mole." He suggests more confidently.

"A mole? What is this a 1920's spy movie?" I mock sighing. "Well unless anybody has any better ideas I'm all ears." I look directly at the newbie, unable to recall his name. "Don't keep me waiting, I'm not a patient girl." I glare in fustration. The people sat around the table kept their heads down, beads of sweat rolling down their foreheads. To think a bunch of man are afraid of a little girl, I laugh to myself.

"Well, taking into consideration their relatively small size, we think this could be a possibility which would prove effective in our current situation" He spoke seemingly rather uncomfortable.

"Our situation." I rolled my eyes "There is no situation, just mild gang rivalry. Can you give me a reason as to why this is an 'effective idea'?" Don't you just love watching people squirm?

"Well this way we could figure out exactly what they're up to, their plans, strengths, weaknesses, intel, resources etc." He says more confidently.

"I'm gonna give you a chance. Don't blow it." I smile in agreement as my subordinates sigh in relief.

The rest of the meeting is spent organising a few basic details regarding the new 'mole' preposition.

I walk out the building and grab my keys from pocket. Looking up I see the sky illuminated by the stars hanging gently around the moon.

"Hey." I turn around sharply, my hand clutching me gun, ready to pull it out at any moment.

"Boss it's only me." Speaks the boy who voiced the plan.

"Oh right ........... John?" I try.

"Um it's Jack." He scratched the back of his next awkwardly. "But you were close enough." He quickly speaks, clearly not wanting to anger me. "I just wanted to thank you. For giving my idea a shot." He says quietly.

"It's ok." I laugh quietly at his awkwardness "Nobody else had any ideas. But be careful, you'd better not blow it." I warn. "Well, see you next time Jack." I say heading towards my car. I head back home eager to sleep.

As soon as I get into bed in my bed phone buzzes. Who is it now.
'Sleep well'
Who the hell is that.

Ok I'm so sorry guys I've had writers block and school is really hard at the moment with changes and mock exam prep. Again I'm so sorry. Chichéxx

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