You don't know... Well now you do

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Ellie was working on a track when she saw Loco's cute little self walk by. "Loco opppaaaa," Ellie called. Loco stopped and went into Ellie's recording room. He's been odd lately, ignoring Ellie unless it was for buisness. "Anyeong," he said shyly. "We hardly talk anymore... are you mad at me?" Ellie asked sadly. "Wh-what? No, of course not," Loco said nervously. "Then why don't we talk anymore..." Ellie muttered. "We're talking now aren't we?" Loco asked oddly. "... You know what I mean!!" Ellie exclaimed unintentionally. "I don't know how to say this..." Loco started. "Oppa just because I have a boyfriend don't mean we can't hang out," Ellie said. "That's just it... I..." Loco started. "Oppa," Ellie whined. "I have had this crush on you since you started at aomg... But you're Jay's girl," Loco confessed. "Oppa... I thought it'd be something terrible! That happens, it's okay," Ellie said then giving Loco a hug. "You're hyung's girl though... I have to get over it," Loco said sadly. "You will eventually pabo. As long as your're respectful about it no one will get mad," Ellie said, patting Loco on the arm assuringly. "You're probably right," Loco said, perking up a bit. "Oppa did you write that song about me?" Ellie asked suddenly (referring to Loco's single "you don't know"... imagine it just came out recently). "... Yeah," he replied sheepishly. "You're so cute... maybe if things were different," Ellie said cheerily. "You're too kind," Loco said sheepishly.

The moment was interrupted by Jay calling Ellie from the hallway. "We got songs to write jagi. Let's go," Jay called out. "COMING! Bye Lolo," Ellie said cheerily, then running off. Loco sighed. "If things were different... Story of my life..." Loco muttered.

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