chappie 13

674 28 1

skylar's pov

i ended up sitting at home with a painful stomach ache the whole day until my phone went off.

sam- little hoe didnt text me all day

me- sorry i was on youtube discovering people to watch

sam- me tho

sam- i was with ricky all day, he had to go home because his mom wanted to go out to eat 

me- who is ricky, does he go to our school?

sam- he graduated

me- lucky him

sam- dude ikr

me- ms. holland seems like the only cool teacher ha

sam- she is.

me- ugh

sam- sarah wants to facetime, should i say yes?

me- if you want to

sam- nah, i am going to facetime evan

me- okay, hold on i got a message

sam- okay


i  checked for the message. it was sarah!

sarah- hey dear! 

me- hi sarah!

sarah- oh my god ms holland took us outside today and she let us hangout during enrichment while she drank some alcohol.

me- omg!

sarah- yes it was awesome. trevor is singing for our class tomorrow, have you ever heard him sing?

me- no is he bad?

sarah- NO! his voice is perfect!

me- really? 

sarah- yes! its perfect

me- anyways what are you doing?

sarah- trying to pick a profile picture for twitter

me- let me help

sarah- okay



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me- i like the first one the best 

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me- i like the first one the best 

sarah- it is from my last shoot. i am a model

me- thats amazing!

sarah- do you think the first one shows off too much skin?

me- not at all.

sarah- okay thanks bby

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