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(Peter's POV)

I woke up and smiled to see my beautiful Rose still asleep in my arms. She's so beautiful and she's all mine. I slowly unwrapped my arms from around her and got out of bed, after getting dressed I walked back to Rose and unlocked the chain around her ankle, I think she's been locked up long enough now. I wrote a little note for her and sat it on the night stand beside the bed. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before leaving the tree house.

(Rose's POV)

I woke up and Peter was gone again. I slowly sat up in the bed and that's when I noticed that the bed chain was off? Getting out of bed I saw a note on the night stand, I picked it up and it said.

My beautiful Rose

I've decided that you've been locked up long enough so you are now free to go outside. But do not think of trying to escape again! Or else your next punishment will be to spend two weeks in the cage. You are to stay in the camp and always be where Felix can see you.
I'll be back around noon.

Your love Peter.

'Well at least I can get some fresh air' I thought to myself. After getting dressed I went outside to my usual sitting spot under a tree. I sat there for ten minutes until someone sat beside me, Mark.

"I'm sorry you're plan to escape didn't work." He said as he looked at me with a sorry look.

"Why do you feel sorry, I thought you were on Peter's side?" I said confused.

"Well....I....I like you and I think it's not fair that Pan brought you here against your will." He said as he looked me in the eyes.

"I...I like you too Mark." I said and it was the truth. I don't know why but I feel safe and happy around him.

He smiled from ear to ear and sat a little closer to me. We talked for a while laughing at jokes and drawing in the dirt with sticks.

"Hey I want to show you something, It's not far from camp." He said as he got up and offered his hand to me.

"But what about Felix?" I questioned.

"Leave him to me just stay here and draw something in the dirt so it looks like your not going to make a run for it." He said as he walked towards Felix.

I sat on a log and started drawing stars in the dirt and I could see out of the corner of my eye that Mark was talking to Felix with a worried look on his face? Felix looked at me for a second and then ran off into the jungle, Mark came back to me with a smile on his face.

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him that there was a new boy washed up on the beach. Don't worry we have time, come on." He said as he took my hand and he lead me into the jungle.

We walked for about five minutes until we came to a beautiful little field with flowers everywhere and green grass.

"It's beautiful." I said with a smile.

"I knew you would like it, especially since you've been locked up in that damn tree house for so."

He picked a beautiful red rose and handed it to me.

"Thank you." I said as I reach for the flower, my hand touched his and I felt Sparks all through my body. We stood there looking into each others eyes.

(Mark's POV)

As soon as her hand touched mine Sparks flew all over my body and my heart began to beat faster, I stepped closer to her and she didn't step away. Then as if I lost all control I leaned in and kissed her. I quickly pulled away when I realized what I had done.

"I'm so sorry Rose I..." she cut me off by kissing me.

I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and started kissing her back. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I couldn't help but smile while still kissing her.

"I...I think i love you." I said shocking myself.

She looked up at me with a shocked expression which turned into happiness but then turned to worry

"We can't" she whispered stepping away from me. "Peter would kill you if he found out we kissed, I don't know what I was thinking." She panicked with tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" I asked concerned.

"Because I think i love you too."

she then Started running back to camp leaving me in the field alone.

(Peter's POV)

Training was going good, some of the boys were practicing archery and others were throwing knives at targets. All was well until I saw Felix come running up to me? I swear if he let Rose escape again I'm going to give him a flying lesson he'll never forget.

"What the hell are you doing here Your suppose to be watching Rose!" I snapped.

"Mark told me that there is a new boy washed up on the beach, but I couldn't  find him. Can't you sense him?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"What no I.....wait Mark told you?"

Felix nodded his head

Without wasting another second I jumped off the ground and flew back to camp at full speed.

(Rose's POV)

I sat on a log away from everyone thinking about what I said to Mark, am I really falling for him? Oh god I have to get back home! Suddenly Peter fly's into camp and lands right in front of me with an angry look on his face.

"What did Mark do to you!" He growled as he grabbed my arm and pushed me against a tree.

"I don't know what you mean, he didn't do anything to me." I said with fear in my voice.

He sighs and rests his forehead on mine staring into my eyes.

"He wasn't too close to you, He didn't touch you?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the tree and into his chest.


"It's okay my love I'm not mad at you. It's just Mark told Felix a lie and I thought he wanted to get closer to you so he got rid of Felix."

"I've been here the whole time" I lied looking up into his eyes.

"I know love."

After that Peter spent the rest of the day with me and every time Mark was looking at me Peter would start kissing my neck and rub his hands all over my body.

The sun has gone and the night time stars started coming out.
We were all sitting around a fire talking but Peter suddenly grabbed my arm and took me to the tree house.

"It's time for you to go to bed darling." He said as he waved his hand and in a poof of smoke I was in my night gown, he walked to the bed and pulled back the blanket for me to get in.

"I'm not tired." I said backing away slowly.

Peter walked up to me and scooped me up in his arms with ease, he carried me over to the bed and covered me up with the blanket. He started to stroke my hair as he just stared at me with eyes full of love. Placing a kiss on my forehead and then whispers in my ear....."sleep my love.....sleep."

As if he put a spell on me I started to feel weak and sleepy. Peter chuckled and walked to his dresser and pulled out a brown cloak, He put it on and then pulled the hood over his head.

"You'll meet the new lost boy tomorrow sweetheart."

  He walked out of the tree house and that's when I couldn't stay awake any longer, I let sleep take over me.

Peter Pans Kidnapped Love (Book #1 Completed) Where stories live. Discover now