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(Rose's POV)

We've been flying through the sky for awhile now and everyone was just talking to each other. I was standing at the back of the ship just watching the clouds go by, my long hair blowing gently in the wind. I couldn't stop thinking about what was going to happen when we get back to our world, I have no parents now and the rest of my family lives far away. What am I going to do?

"Hey Rose." Someone said behind me and I turned my head and saw Henry giving me a small smile.

"Hey Henry." I said back and smiled at him.

Henry walked over beside me and we both looked at the clouds.

"So....what are you going to do now, when we get back to our world?" Henry asked breaking the silence.

I sighed

"I don't know, Peter killed my parents and the rest of my family live so far away. I don't know what I'm going to do." I said sadly.

Henry just looked at me with a blank expression then he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back.

"It will get better Rose.....I promise." Henry said still hugging me and I smiled and hugged him tighter.

"Thanks Henry." I said.

(Peters POV)

After Rose pulled away from the hug we went back to watching the clouds go by. I looked up at Rose and just smiled at her beauty, her long blonde hair blowing gently in the wind and out of her face showing her brown eyes, light skin and small pink soft lips. She's so beautiful, I just want to kiss her all over while I hold her in my arms.

"Do you think Rumpel will really be able to bring Mark back?" Rose suddenly asked. anger and jealousy built up in me.

"I don't think so." I said a little to quickly, Rose gave me a wired look.

"Oh" she said quietly.

"Rose." Someone said behind us, I turned and saw my son Rumpel.

"Yes." Rose answered.

"I'd like to talk to you for a moment, alone if you don't mind Henry."

I nodded and left them but I really wanted to know what they were talking about? I went and sat by Felix and watched Rose and Rumpel talk.

(Rose's POV)

"What did you want to talk about?"I asked Rumpel.

"Well I saw what Pan your parents and everything you've gone through has probably shaken you up a bit, I just want you to know that you are welcome to stay with me and my wife Bell."

I looked at him in shock, did Rumpelstiltskin just say I could stay with him and.....Bell?? Hmm Rumpelstiltskin and Bell? Beauty and the beast I thought to myself.

"Wow I-I don't know what to say.....thank you so much Rumpel." I said with a smile.

He smiled back.

"No problem dearie."

He then pulled me into a hug which surprised me but I hugged him back. We pulled back after a few seconds.

"So uh about Mark.....can you really bring him back?" I asked

"I have a spell book back at my shop in storybrook, there is a spell that can bring him back." Rumpel said with a warm smile.

I smiled brightly at him

"Thank you so much Rumpel."

He nodded and went to sit with his son Neal.

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