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(Peter's POV)

At last the Heart of the truest believer has come. I was able to trick him into thinking I was an escaping lost boy and he fell for it. I lead him to a cliff and making him think that I don't believe in magic he took the pixie dust from around my neck and pulled me back from the cliff.

"What are you doing!" I asked.

"Getting a running start."


"Everyone knows pixie dust is for flying." He said as he got ready to run off the cliff.

"But it doesn't work!"

"That's because you have to believe."

"I definitely do not believe." I lied.

"That's okay." he said as he popped the cap off the pixie dust bottle. "Because I do."

With that he started running while he held onto my clock and we both jumped of the cliff, the pixie dust flew out of the bottle and onto us and we were flying through the air.

I gave him the signal to land in an opening between some trees and we both rolled as we hit the ground.

"You see if you believe anything is possible." He said as he got up.

I just smiled "you couldn't be more right Henry."

His smile on his face disappears as soon as he heard me say his name.

"H-how did you know my name I never told you?"

"Let's make it a game, a puzzle to solve."

"You lied to me, you are a lost boy you work for Pan!" Henry said as he took a step back.

"Not exactly." I chuckled as I took a step closer to him.

" I am Peter Pan." I said with an evil smile.

(Henry's POV)

After he told me who he was he told me that he's been searching for the Heart of the truest believer for years and that I'm the one he's been searching for.

"You are the lucky owner of that very special Heart and now you and it are mine." Pan said as he pulled out a dagger from his belt.

"COME ON BOYS!" He yells and a bunch of boys start surrounding me.

"Let's play." Pan said and then everything went black.

(Peter's POV)

After one of the lost boys blew some sleeping dust in Henry's face he fell to the ground in a deep sleep. We bought him back to camp and laid him under a tree he won't wake up for an hour so I decided to go check on my little lost girl.

Walking into the dark tree house I saw the moonlight shining down on Rose as she slept peacefully In my bed. I smiled as I made my way over to the bed and laid down beside her. After an hour I went back to Henry who was just waking up and I decided to introduce him to a little game of target practice.

(Rose's POV)

I woke up to the warm sun shining down on me. Getting out of bed i got dressed well thinking of a new way to try and escape. I walked out of the tree house and saw all the lost boys doing there own thing like always. There was no sign of Peter anywhere but I saw a new boy sitting alone and away from everyone, what really caught my attention is that he was wearing clothes that looked like they were from my world!

I started walking up to him and when he saw me he looked a little confused.

"Hi I'm Rose" I said as I sat beside him.

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