Years Later

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*Mark* *Rose*

(Peter's POV)

I watched her in the magic Cristal ball. My beloved Rose, I miss her so much. A lots happened since my idiot son killed me and sent me here to the underworld. Unfortunately the wicked witch saved Rumpel from being trapped here and she brought him back to life. There has to be a way for me to go back to the living world as well, but how? The underworld is pretty much a second storybrook except everyone down here is of course dead. I am now living in the underworlds version of my sons shop.

Suddenly the door to the shop opened revealing the most unlikely person I would expect to walk in.

"Hades?" I said kinda like a question.

He smiled and walked over to the counter where I was.

"Hello Peter Pan, how is your lost girl doing today?" He asked as he looked down at the Cristal ball on the counter.

"She's doing fine....what are you doing here?"

He looked up at me and smiled.

"I want to make a deal with you, one that will reunite you with your Rose and get rid of mark."

My eyes widened in shock for a second but then I smiled.

"Alright you have my full attention....king of the underworld."

(Rose's POV)

"Here you go Emma" I said happily as I gave her the food she ordered.

"Thank you Rose, have a good one." She said as she took the food and walked out of the diner.

I've been working here at granny's diner for two years now and I love it. Mark also got a job with Emma at the police station. So much has happened since the day Peter was killed, Rumpel was brought back from the dead by the wicked witch. we fought against her for awhile and we also had a run in with the queens of darkness but like always the heroes won. I've even gotten pretty good with a sword thanks to Charming and hook who gave me lessons.

It's now 10:00pm and I finished cleaning the tables.

"Thank you so much Rose, you can head on home now." Granny said with a smile, I smiled and nodded.

"Okay see you tomorrow granny." I said as I walked to the back and changed out of my work clothes. When I was done I walked out the back door and started walking to me and Marks apartment.

As I was walking I looked down at my hand and smiled at the diamond ring on my ring finger. Me and Mark got married a couple weeks ago now and I couldn't be happier. We've never made love yet because I just don't feel right but really I guess I'm just nervous and scared. Mark wants to start a family and so do I but I keep chickening out. But we got time because Peter must have put a spell or something on me because I haven't aged at all, nether has Mark.

I sighed as I reached the door and pulled my keys out to unlock it. When I walked in the strong smell of scented candles filled my nose and there were red rose petals covering the floor and soft music started playing. I smiled and shook my head as I closed the door, Mark is such a romantic guy.

I followed the music to the bed room and there was a pink, red and white roses tide together with a red ribbon, my favorite colors. I giggled and walked further into the room.

"Oh where oh where is my strong handsome husband oh where oh where can he be" I sang playfully as I sat on the end of the bed.

I suddenly felt someone's hot breath on the back of my neck and the strong smell of mint now mixed with the scente candles and roses.

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