Lost Boy Gone

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(Rose's POV)

Peter quickly got off me and used his magic so his clothes were back on him. Mark is standing at the now broken door and someone came up behind him? It was Regina who had two magic fire balls in her hands.

"Mark!" I cried out in relief.

"Silence." Peter sneered in a cold voice as he stared at Mark and Regina.

"It's okay Rose, everything is going to be okay." Mark said making Peter laughed

"Not for you it isn't, you really think that you can defeat me on my own island." Peter chuckled. "I thought you knew better Mark."

"Enough of this." Regina said as she threw a fire ball at Peter and it sent him flying into the wall.

Mark quickly ran over to me and untied my hands, as soon as he did he pulled me into a hug. I was a little embarrassed though because I'm only in my bra and underwear.

"Come on let's go." Mark said as he pulled me off the bed but someone grabbed my hair and pulled me away from Mark.

"Not so fast my little lost girl." Peter chuckled in my ear.

"Let me go you fucking demon!" I snapped as I lifted my leg and hit Peter between his legs.

He let me go as he fell to the floor groaning in pain as he held him self down there. I ran to Mark and we made our way out the tree house. Lucky Mark still had his lost boy cloak and he put it around me like a blanket to cover my half naked body.

When we were out I saw Emma, snow white, Charming, Neal, Rumpel and some other girl in a green outfit with her blonde hair up in a messy bun standing over all the lost boys who were lying on the ground.

"Are they.... Dead?" I asked nervously

"No their just asleep, come on let's get Henry and get off this island." Regina said as she pushed me and Mark forward.

When we found Henry he was also asleep, Neal picked him up and put him over his shoulder, we quickly ran into the jungle back to their small camp away from pans.

"Okay we got Henry, Rose and a way off the island." Emma said happily.

"You guys found a way off the island!?" I asked in an excited voice.

Emma looked at me and smiled.

"Yep pans shadow and hooks ship." Emma said.

"Wait pans shadow, How did you get it?" I asked confused.

"With this." Neal said as he showed me a coconut with holes on the top.
"We trapped it inside this magic coconut."

"A magic coconut?"

"It's complicated, main thing is its our way off this island." Neal said as he put the coconut in a sack.

"Okay let's pack up the camp and go." Charming said.

Everyone was packing up the camp, me and Mark sat beside Henry who was just waking up.

"Henry are you okay?" I asked

He groaned as he sat up and blinked a few times.

"R-Rose What happened?" He asked

"It's okay Henry were with your family and we're getting off this island." Henry shook his head rapidly.

"No no I can't leave yet Rose and you know why." Henry said as he quickly got up.

"Henry...." I said as I got up from where I was sitting." Peter is a liar, please Henry you have to believe me." I said as I put my hand on Henry's shoulder but he pushed me away.

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