Chapter 1

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Author's Note : Okay, So I just want to start by saying, this is my first ever fanfic!!! Whaaat? Yeah, that's what I said. So don't bash too hard on me, I'm a newb.

{Joey POV}

I really hope Shane wants to hang out with me today. I mean he always does, but he seems kinda distant lately, I hope I can fix that. I love hanging out with Shane, he makes me happy, his eyes just light up the room, and his lips... Oh, god, I can't think like this. STOP JOEY STOP!

Joey: Hey Shane, wanna hang out today, maybe do a video?

I waited for nearly ten minutes, then, finally, the text arrived.

Shane: Yeah, I kinda need to talk to you about something, come over to my house at 2:30.

Joey: Okay! See you there ;)

{Shane POV}

I wonder why he sent a wink? Wait, is he dropping hints that he likes me? No. No, Shane. He doesn't like you like that, he's just a really good friend. A REALLY good friend. I've had to avoid him lately, because his lips are irresistible, they are so soft, if only I could feel them on mine one more time... My god Shane, do you love Joey Graceffa? Yes... Yes I fucking do. Did I just answer my own question? Yes, yes I did.

{Joey POV}

I have to look perfect for Shane, he deserves the best. Hmm, I haven't used this cologne before, it smells nice... I sprayed a little on my neck, and put my best clothes on. "Done" I say to no one in particular before I head out to Satsuki. I wonder what he needs to talk about... Probably something hilarious like a new Dolly Parton shirt or something. He always shows me something new when

I'm over there. I really can't wait. By the time I finish that thought I'm halfway there. I turn on the radio and just burst out singing like an idiot the rest of the way there. I park, and keep dancing, trying to get myself in a good mood for Shane.

{Shane POV}

I couldn't wait to tell him! He needs to know. I wish he was already here. Oh! He is!

Wait, he's - dancing? He is so amazing, anything he does he perfects it. Even dancing like an idiot.

Joey: I'm here.

Shane: I know I see you dancing. :D

Joey: Oh, um. I'll be right in.

He knocked on the door, I ran downstairs, and opened the door in record time. We hugged, his smell was intoxicating. Was he wearing cologne?

Shane- Are you wearing cologne?

Joey- Maybe...

He winked at me, why does Joey have to be so sexy? I smiled and invited him in.

Shane- So do you want to shoot a video?

Joey- Didn't you want to tell me something?

Shit, he remembered.

Shane- Actually, yes. Sit down Joey. We've been friends for a while now...

{Joey POV}

Is he going to say what I think he is? Wait, did he just say we've been friends for a while now? I knew he thought of me as a friend. I just knew it. I CLEARLY wish we were more, but he could never feel the same way. Shane noticed me become distracted and asked me a question.

Shane- Joey, are you alright?

Was I?

Joey- Yeah, I just... forgot to... do my dishes.

WTF WAS THAT?! That was the worst lie in the HISTORY of lies.

Shane- Joey, Seriously. I know you better than that. What's wrong?

Joey- I've just been missing you, we haven't talked in a while.

That was the truth, we really haven't... He got a surprised look on his face, he actually looked a little pleased that I missed him.

Shane- Yeah, about that...

He's either going to devastate me, or make me the happiest person in the world right now... There was a 50-50 chance...

Shane- I, I, I just, wanted to tell you, um. Well I guess I'll show you. I should have done this before it got worse.

{Shane POV}

Was I about to show my crush/best friend my biggest secret? I HAD to. There is no other option.

Shane- Okay, here it goes.

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