Chapter 18

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{Shane POV}

~Fast forward~

Shane- What did I do wrong? Whatever it was I swear I didnt mean it, Joey! Please believe me!

Joey was staring at me with his icy cold stare, I knew he didnt buy my story. He knew the truth. I fucked up.

~Back to Present~

I wake up to Joey sweetly looking up at me. The sun was shining behind him, giving him a golden halo. I love mornings like this. Just silence and the one you love.

Shane- Are you an angel?

Joey- I wish.

He looked away.

Shane- You are angel enough for me, baby. Come here.

I kissed him so softly. Everything was perfect. Let’s hope this is how it stays.

Joey- Wanna take a shower with me, before another fun filled day at Disneyland?

Shane- Do I have to?

Joey- I guess not. If you dont want to see me naked.

I jumped out of bed so fast... You dont even know.

Shane- Well, what are you waiting for? Take off your clothes.

Joey- I’m not a whore! Just get in the shower, ill be there in a minute!

I hesitated, but I took my clothes off and got in the shower waiting for Joey. Ill be honest... I REALLY wanted to see him naked. From the first day I saw him. Is that wrong?

Joey- Im coming in now.

FINALLY. Wait.. Oh, come on Joey.

Shane- Joey, if im naked, you cant wear .. that!

I pointed to his swimming trunks.

Joey- Take them off me then.

I saw what he was doing. And it was working. 

Shane- My pleasure.

I slowly slid them off. Oh my god. 

Shane- Woah, I- I mean... Holy shit Joey. Could you stop being so perfect in every way?!

Joey was blushing. I could understand why. 

Joey- I really love you Shane.

Shane- Well thats good, because I really love you too.

We finished our shower, got ready, and headed out to Disneyland.

~Skipping the next 3 days at Disneyland. They have now been home for 2 days.~

{Joey POV}

Im in love with Shane. One couldn’t be more in love than I am with him. The next step..? Marriage. I feel like we should be together forever. He is mine and only mine. I’ve already asked his mother for permission. I think when we come out to our viewers... it should be on our wedding day. It would be perfect. We will have each other for support always. I’m out “Getting groceries”. I told Shane I’d be back in an hour. When I get home... I propose. Perfect.

Store Clerk- Here is your purchase, have a great day!

Great. Now, to make my boyfriend my Fiance. Nothing could change my mind.

Joey- Thanks! Bye!

I drive home feeling the happiest I could ever be. I assumed he would say yes. Lets hope so. I open the door, And---

*Slow motion*

I see Shane with- Sawyer?? They dont see me. They are making out on my couch. Shane isnt being held down. He isnt being forced. He is the dominant one. Kissing Sawyer like he used to kiss me. Not anymore. Its all over. I drop the ring in the floor, and run out.


{Shane POV} 

Shit, that was Joey wasnt it? He ran out... I have to go after him...

Shane- Ill be back Sawyer. Give me a second.

What is this by the door..? No.. he wasnt going to... Oh god. I picked it up, and I opened it as a silent tear fell from my eye. It was beautiful, he was beautiful. What did I just do. My Joey, he’s gone. Maybe forever. Im a dick. I let my Joey.. I mean Joey get away. I ruined everything.

Shane- Sawyer..?

Sawyer- Yeah Shane?

Shane- *Whispering* Get out.

Sawyer- What?

Shane- *Yelling* GET OUT!

Sawyer scrambled out the door as I called Joey over and over on my cell phone. He answered just before I was about to hang up.

Joey-*Sniffs* What the hell d-do you want?

Shane- You. But I know I wont be able to have you after... That. So im calling to say goodbye.

Joey- Shane... Please.

Shane- I loved you. Maybe Ill see you in heaven some day.

Joey- Shane.. Dont.. I-maybe I still love you. 

Shane- I still love you Joey, but I hurt you.  dont be too worried. 

Joey- Why?

Shane- Ill be gone soon. Bye... My love.

I hung up. I meant every word.

A/N:~Written Friday 10.4.13 5:43 PM~ Soooo. I know it kinda went by quick... I just wanted to get down to the point. I have been really down recently, and I found it a little hard to get back up. I didnt write anything this week. So if you see any posts this week from me, its because I literally JUST wrote them. And I would really like to thank all of those who entered the 'contest'. I have a winner in mind, but it wont be announced untill the chapter with the teacher in it... (BTW THERE WILL BE MORE CHAPTERS!!!) And I would like to send a sincere Thank you to my best friend Alexia... (Shes not on Wattpad.)  For helping me through EVERYTHING and listeneing to all of my shitty problems. She is THE GREATEST... And she is part of the reason I didnt give up completely. If she is reading this, I want her to know that I love her. (No.. not like that. Like a friend. A best friend. A sister.) Anyways, comment down below telling me what you think will happen... Will Shane really be gone? Will Joey get to him in time? 

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