Chapter 14

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Warning: Little bit of sexy time ;)

{Shane POV}

I wake up feeling amazing like I was floating on a cloud. I’ve never felt like this waking up, but then I look down and realize why.

Shane-Joey... What are you doing?

Joey lifted his head up with a smile.

Joey- Making my fiance happy.

Shane- Well, I am definitely happy right now. ;)

He suddenly grabbed my dick and started sucking again.

Shane-J-j-joey.. Mmmmh.

Joey- You like that? Well, you’ll certainly like this.

Joey quickly started to deep throat me. He picked up his pace, as I feel a familiar tingling feeling starting in my stomach and moving down.

Shane- Im-gonna... Joey! I’m gonna-

Joey suddenly stopped everything, and started kissing down my neck.

Shane- Come on Joey! Don’t tease me!!!

Joey- You did exactly this to me before, remember?

Of course I remembered, how couldn’t I? I looked him deeply in the eye.

Shane- Joey. Pleease?

Joey- Only because I love you.

My desire was too strong... As soon as he wrapped his lips back around it, I came.

Joey- Wow, someone really wanted that.

Shane- Well, you are pretty amazing. And sexy, and perfect, and smart, and funny, and-

Joey- Okay! Okay, I get it.

Shane- I want to make sure you know how beautiful you are.

He looked at me with his loving eyes, and made me fall in love all over again. How does he do that? I was the one trying to make him feel special, and he is making me feel like I’m the only goddamn person in the world that matters.

Joey- Want breakfast?

I instantly thought dirty.

Shane- *Seductive tone*What kind of breakfast?

Joey- I mean FOOD Shane.

Shane- I’m pretty sure I could just live off of your heart.

Joey- Like, cannibalism? 

Oh my god Joey.

Shane- No, you missed the message. I meant like your love.

Joey- So no food?

Shane- You win. I’m fucking starving.

Joey- BREAKFAST IN BED! Stay there!

Really Joey? Isn’t that supposed to be a surprise? I wasn’t going to stop him.

Shane- Alright, but only AND ONLY if you let me give you a little dessert at our wedding. ;)

I had something amazing surprised.

Joey- Deal.

The doorbell rang.

Shane- *Sarcastically*Hmmm. I wonder who that is?

I knew exactly what it was. It was here. 

{Joey POV}

I actually didn’t know who was at the door. Whatever, Shane’s got it. I’ll finish breakfast.

Joey- Who is it?

Shane- It’s here!! JOEY ITS HERE! You want to see it?

I had NO clue what he was talking about. Did he order something? I walked over.

Shane- Do you know whats in this cardboard box?

Joey- No, am I supposed to?

Shane- Well if you want to wear an engagement ring, than yes. 

Shane smirked. I was instantly filled with happiness.


Shane went to go grab a knife because the package was taped together really well. He walked back towords me so slowly. As if to torture me, he was also walking in a way that made me want to be on him and in him at the same time.

Joey- Just open it babe.

Shane- There you go again with the babe.

Joey- Now you’re just stalling.

He slowly opened it and pulled out a case that had a black velvet covering, and gold trim. He bent down on a knee, and looked into my eyes.

Shane- Joey, will you do me the honor of-

Joey- Do you even have to ask?

I sprang onto him and wrapped my legs around his waist. I looked into his eyes, then I kissed him with the most passion I’ve ever used.

Shane- So......

He playing dumb? He knew.

Joey- YES!

He pulled the ring out of the case, and looked at it. He kissed my outstretched hand and slowly sid it onto my ring finger.

Joey- I.Love.You. Seriously. 

Shane- I love you too, Joey. And I mean it.

Joey-  I haven’t ever been this happy.

Shane-I haven’t been this happy since I met you.

He always knew what to say.

Joey- You want to go be happy together?

Shane- Of course. My love.

Joey- Let’s go watch T.V. 

Shane- Of course my life.

Joey- Stoooooop. Its cute as hell. But you’re making me feel too loved. I won’t be able to stop thinking about you.

Shane- It’s a good thing. Trust me, I always think about you, and it’s wonderful.

Joey- Shane.

Shane smiled and turned on the T.V. We flipped through the channels, and started to watch How I Met Your Mother. We watched episodes for hours.

Joey- Well that’s enough Neil Patrick Harris for the day.

Shane-You can never have enough Neil Patrick Harris. 

Joey- True. True.

I grabbed the remote from Shane and sneakily put the news on. I like to catch up on it every once and a while.

T.V.-Well known Youtuber Sawyer Hartman has been charged with the kidnapping and murdering two females by the names of  Lisa Schwartz and Brittany Louise Taylor. He has skipped his court date and has been spotted not far off of Vine. {Sorry I don’t know any other street names in California} If you see him, or have spotted his vehicle, call the number on the screen now.

Joey- Shane? *tears well up in eyes* What do we do?

I broke down crying both over the loss of our friends, and because Sawyer could be anywhere. Shane was staring into the distance, totally out of it.

Joey- Shane? You’re scaring me.

Shane just sat in total shock. He didn’t answer me.

Joey- Shane!? Seriously. we have to go *sniff* think about this...

Shane got up from the couch, walked from the kitchen, got the car keys, grabbed a butcher knife and walked out the door.

A/N: OH SNAP! Yeah, sorry for the cliff hanger, the other chapters will be posted Friday. :) I’m feeling a bit better, the people at school really cheer me up. And yeah, I have internet today... Im posting this RIGHT NOW!! AAHH!!! INTERWEBS! Sorry for my indecency. :/ Oh, and I’m not really sure if I should keep writing the songs I listened to while writing or not...You tell me!!! Have a great day!!! I love your face!

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