Chapter 22

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{Joey POV}

My heart feels like it was ripped in two. For the second time recently. And I just have to say, it is the worst thing you could ever experience. I really need someone, but who? 

*bzz bzz.... bzz bzz.... bzz bzz*

I picked up my phone and started to read the text I had gotten.

Shane: Joey, I can tell somethings wrong, I dont know how.. I just know. What is your address here?

What do I say? He could be just what I need at the funeral... But he may just cause unwanted problems.

Joey: Im not sure if thats a good idea...

Shane: I already flew out here... Joey, Where is it?

He IS a persistent one.

Joey: (Insert believable address here)

Shane: Thanks Joey. I will be there, in... Lets see. 2 minutes?

What? Two? Oh yeah.. Living next to the airport has its down sides.

Joey:Yeah. Bye Shane.

I couldn’t help but realize he said my name in almost every sentence. Was it always like this? We haven’t even been apart for that long...

{Shane POV}

I loved saying his name. I loved being around him.. I loved all of his cute mannerisms... I still do. What am I going to say when I get there? Hey, sorry for fucking Sawyer, but I love you? No. Wait, did I even have sex with Sawyer? Were we even naked? I pushed it all to the back of my brain, because right now is about comforting Joey. We arrived fairly quickly. I got out of the cab and gave him a dollar. (Dont know how much cab fare is.. Sorry) I approached the steps and walked up ever so cautiously... I dont know why, but I feel like Joey is going to be really sensitive to whatever happened... So I need to refrain from yelling at him. I knocked on the door, and the knob turned revealing a sad, teary-eyed, sexy, Joey. Joey is always sexy. I smiled.

Joey- Come on in I guess... 

Shane- Thanks, Joey.

Joey- My room is this way...

We both sat down on the edge of his old room... It was a nice house, but It was so much nicer to see Joey after breaking up.

Shane- So Joey... What happened... To make you so sad?

He bursted out in tears... I tried to contain myself and comfort Joey by rubbing his back.

Shane- Dont talk about it then. If it hurts you that much... Dont mention it, dont talk about it... Dont even think about it. 

Joey- Wh-why? Why h-her?

Shane- Joey. Dont. Ill tell you what...

I really dont know what will cheer him up at this point...

Shane- How about we go for some drinks?

Joey- Y-you do-dont dri-ink *sniff*

Shane- I do for you. Come on. Lets clean up your face.

I dragged him into the room’s bathroom. I placed him in front of the mirror looking at himself. I stood behind him fixing his hair in the front and the back.

Shane- There. Hair perfecto.

I swear I heard Joey chuckle.

{Joey POV}

I had to laugh at that. How could I not? While I was lost in my thoughts, he daringly ran his hands down the sides of my chest, ending at the hem of my now wrinkled shirt. He pulled it over my head.

Shane- There’s Finnick Joey!

God damn it Shane. Stop being so perfect. He grabbed a new shirt from one of my bags and was about to put it over my head when I stopped him.

Joey- Shane, just because I was crying doesn’t mean I’m incapable of dressing myself.

Shane- Right got it. Sorry Joey. Just trying to be helpful.

I felt a surge of hatred rise up out of no where.

Joey- Yeah, well I dont need your fucking help anymore.

Oh, god. What did I do?

Shane- Well, I’m sorry you feel that way. Ill just be going. Bye Joey.

I didnt want him to leave again. I didnt want to be away from him for another second. He was almost out the door, when my lips only could seem to muster one simple word. The only word I needed.

Joey- Wait!

Shane- What Joey?

Joey- One question. Why do you say Joey in almost every sentence you say?

Shane- The truth?

Joey- Of course.

Shane- Because I still love you. I never stopped, I love the way you do your everyday tasks... I love how your lips form words, I love the warmth of your chest against mine, I love the way your eyes shine in the daylight, I love the way you add phrases to your everyday vocabulary, that aren’t practical and make no sense to anyone but you... I love your stories, I love how you are the most passionate person I’ve ever met, I love how you think things through, I love how you can enjoy something that isnt even considered fun. I love how you cuddle, I love how you jump after watching scary movies, I love how you even thought about marrying me for just a minute, and Most importantly, I LOVE how you help me through anything. And thats exactly what 

I’m going to help you with right now.

Speechless. He must’ve thought this through, a lot. Or he just said what he feels right now. Either way, I definitely HAVE to take him back. Before someone else steals him away from me. Like Miss Edwards was stolen from me... from everybody. She helped through so much, she is my guardian angel. What will I do without her?

Joey- Shane?

Shane- Yes Joey?

Joey- Have you ever felt like everything you know... everything you used to know... Is just. Gone?

Shane- About once a month.. Yeah.

Shane wrapped his arms around my waist resting his head on my shoulder. We were still in the entryway of the house... We went back to the room to finish getting ready to go out.

Shane- Are we?

Joey- I want to, but I’m not sure if you are just getting sexier or more romantic, because my absolute favorite teacher died. Or because you are just fucking amazing.

Shane- What do you think?

He smirked. 

Joey- Shane, can I be your boyfriend?

Im hoping for a yes... But instead, he gets down on a knee, grabs my hand, kisses it, and says...

Shane- Lets start where we left off. Joey, will you marry me?

A/N: So.... The BIG question... Will Joey say Yes? Answer in the next chapter!!! Anyways, aside from that, sorry for the absolute lack of posts... I was waiting for votes... Although my story didnt seem to show more than 87 votes... I noticed a vote bomber that voted on all of my chapters.... Thanks for that. :) So I decided.. Hey! Why not put it up anyways...? Now I’m REALLY not posting a chapter until 95 votes.. Sorry! Going to have to vote to get what you want.... Life’s tough isnt it? Kay. Well, have a great day/night where ever you are... I love your sexy faces, and Pai pai~

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