Chapter 21

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{Shane POV}

I did this. He was going to propose. I would have said yes. Everything would have been different if Sawyer hadn’t come over. Sawyer. I don’t even like him! Right now, I dont even like him as a friend. He better stay away from me while Joey is gone or I will be pissed. I really love Joey. Joey thinks I love Sawyer, Sawyer thinks I love him... This hurts. A lot. I had the best thing in the world and I let him slip through my fingers. I feel like shit. I only know one thing that could take away this pain. I stood up slowly, walked to the bathroom, and searched the cabinets until I found a familiar friend... or fiend. To me right now.. It’s a friend. I slid the icy cold blade across my thigh... No one would notice it there. I felt the blood rushing out... I saw the bright red line, and instantly wanted more. I don’t know if it was the pain, or the color, or if I just liked criticizing myself... But every time I cut once, I would name something people called me...

Shane- Faggot.


Shane- Fat.


Shane- Really REALLY fat.

Deep slice.

Shane- Ugly.


Shane- The best thing thats ever happened to me...

I cant cut for Joey... He’s only ever been loving to me. He did leave me... But I understand why. I’m a fucking horrible human being.

Shane- A fucking horrible human being...

Slice. Ill always want him. I can’t stop. And I wont stop. (Miley Cyrus) I can’t help but find light  In this crappy situation. I chuckle to myself. I DO know however, that I will NEVER get over him. When he gets back I have to convince him that he is the only one for me. Because he is. He always will be.

{Joey POV}

After I landed Nicole took it upon herself to pick me up from the airport, even thought I INSISTED walking because the house is not even two minutes from the airport. 

she asked me how things were going, congratulated me on Storytellers, seeing if there was anything new... Normal topics. I stopped listening for a while. The only thing on my mind was Shane.

Nicole- Joey?

Joey- Oh, uh, sorry. Yeah?

Nicole- I asked if you are in a relationship with anyone right now...

I REALLY want to say yes. I feel like I’ll start crying right now if I say no. But if I said yes, I would be lying. If I said no I would be lying... I could tell he still likes me from the look in his eyes... We had something... Just not sure what.

Nicole- Its fine, you dont have to answer!

Joey- Sorry, I was lost in thought... And yeah, I’d rather just not answer. And Nicole?

Nicole- Yeah Joey?

Joey- Do you think It would be okay if I left a little early?

Nicole- How early?

Joey- About... Ahh. 12 days give or take...

Nicole- You want to leave tomorrow? You JUST got here, you havent even said hello to anyone yet!

At this point she had stopped the car because we were in front of my mom’s house.

Joey- I REALLY have some important Storytellers stuff to work on.

Nicole- I guess, I mean we know how important Storytellers is for you.

We walked inside, and my mom looked a little distressed. Pacing back and forth, mumbling to herself...

Joey’s Mom- Oh! Hey Joey welcome back!

Joey- Mom, what happened?

Silence. Utter silence. I knew she wasn’t bearing good news.

Joey’s Mom-Well, you know your high school teacher... Miss Edwards?

I smiled at the name. She was the first person I told that I was actually gay. She knew what the students called me, and she always comforted me. She was there in the best of times, and the worst of times... Always there.

Joey- Yeah? What about her?

Joey’s Mom- Well, we’ve just been invited to her funeral. Tomorrow.

Wait funeral? I thought about it for a second. No. No, no no. NONONONONONO!!! This can’t be happeneing!!!  She was ALWAYS there! I took comfort in knowing she was there when no one else was. She supported me, she truly loved me. She wasn’t in my family, so it wasn’t forced love, it wasnt sexual, it was just... Just what I needed at the time. At this time even. With everything going in between Shane and I, I planned on visiting her tomorrow... But not like this, not like this.

{Shane POV} 

I sensed something was wrong. I could tell, something was wrong with Joey. He was hurt... Really hurt. Not physically. No. I covered up my scars, and quickly bought a plane ticket and rushed off, not bothering to pack anything. I ran out, I was going to be there for him. The way no one else could be. With love. Special love. The kind you only get once or twice in a lifetime. I would probably be arriving around 10:30 am tomorrow morning... I better be prepared. For anything.

A/N: ~Written 10.16.13 11:01 PM~So YESSS His magnificent teacher died. Will Shane be able to help Joey...? Wil Joey be able to help Shane...? We’ll find out now wont we? And the winner of the contest is... @LauraReddington3 And this chapter is dedicated to her... Go check out her AMAZING story if you haven’t already.... And I’m going to try a new thing... (I may have stolen this idea... Dont hate) When I get up to 90 Likes/votes I will Post a new chapter... Okay.. I love your BEAUUUUUTIFUL faces. And have a splendid week/weekend... Byyyee!!!!

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