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"You're crazy Tay. Seriously, only you'd get an opportunity like this land in your lap and then proceed to give zero fucks about it."

I rolled my eyes as I continued to pretend to work on the essay in front of me. It wasn't like I even had to submit it anymore, but I needed to do something to make my ignoring Zoe more believable so hopefully she'd stop going on. Of course, she didn't.

"Seriously! I don't understand how you've managed to get three months off classes working with an actual music management company, and not just any bloody company, Icon Management, while I'm still going to be stuck here slaving away," she whined. Zoe did that a lot – whining. She threw herself back into her chair dramatically. She'd obviously forgotten it was a swivel chair because the next thing I knew she was rolling backwards and crashing in to poor Jacob Mullins behind her. I laughed quietly to myself and began shutting down my computer as I listened to Zoe apologizing over and over again to Jacob for her error of judgment.

The bell rang and I was up and out of the classroom door before anyone else. I was free. No more uni for the next three months (six months if you included the summer break) and instead working with a real life management company with real life artists! And better yet it all counted towards credit for my degree. I was getting time off and paid to do my dream job. I couldn't blame Zo for being jealous of me – hell, I was even a little jealous of me! Unfortunately, Zoe caught up with me far too soon.

"This is so unfair. How come your family is so connected when it comes to the music industry while in my family all we seem to have are lawyers. Lawyers and criminals." Zo looked thoughtful there. "Hmm, I've only just seen the irony there..." I had to laugh. Zoe Murray might be one of the most annoying people in the world when she got herself worked up on a subject but she was also just about one of the only people in the world who could make me laugh – and I mean like genuine, whole-hearted, from the pit of my stomach type laughter. The girl's mind just worked in weird and mysterious ways that I just found so intriguingly funny.

"I'm sorry that my family aren't full of lawyers and conmen like yours, babe," I smirked. Zoe pulled a face at me as we made our way out of the building.

"Whatever. I'm just saying, it's really kind of incredibly inconvenient not having a music manager tycoon for an aunt, okay?" I rolled my eyes.

"Mel is not my aunt," I insisted. "She's just my uncle's wife." Now it was Zo's turn to roll her eyes.

"You know what, shut it! Yes, I'm the one with the super awesome luck about to start the most amazing awesome job while you're stuck actually working for your degree like normal people. Sucks for you, bitch!" I dodged Zoe's arm as it came racing towards the back of my arm.

"Boo you, whore!" she shot back as she jumped into my car. I hated when she did that. Just because it was a convertible didn't mean that she should ignore the use of the doors.

"Right," I said as I slid into the driver's side. I needed to take her mind off this music thing. "Let's go shopping."          

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