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"He did what!" Zoe screamed. Again. In fact, Zoe hadn't really stopped screaming since I'd gotten home from work and told her about my company's new band signing.

"She said he kissed her on the hand," Beth repeated for me. Zoe turned to glare at her.

"I heard what she said," she fired. Beth winked at me, and I grinned. Clearly she was amusing herself by purposely winding Zoe up even more than she already was. Beth and I absolutely terrorised Zoe when we were together but it was okay because we loved her really. She was just so funny to watch when she was riled up. Zoe sunk against the sofa in defeat. "I just don't understand how this could've happened," she muttered, more to herself than to anyone else present.

"Well, Taylor's mum has a brother who is married to this American woman called Mel who works for Ico-"

"I know how it happened!" Zoe snapped at Beth. Beth's shoulders and auburn curls bounced up and down as she laughed. Zoe glared at her.

"Look, Zo, I'm sorry but it's just so ironically hilarious," she explained. "Literally three days ago you were begging Tay to go with you to meet 1D and not one week later who gets signed as the new band to her new company? You couldn't even make this stuff up it's so priceless!" I zoned out as Zoe and Beth began to bicker again. I kind of felt bad for Zoe. She really was obsessed with this band and would've given anything to meet them yet I end up getting personally introduced to them at work and literally couldn't give a shit. Life was a cruel, cruel mistress sometimes.

"Tay, you have to tell me all about them okay?" Zoe was back at me again. "Like, what they looked like, what they wore, what they smelt like." I stared at my crazy little friend.

"Babe, calm the fuck down." Zoe sighed.

"Sorry," she mumbled. "But seriously, when you next see them, can you ask th-"

"Whoa! Let me stop you there," I said, raising my hands in front of me to cease her speaking. "Zo, Icon is a massive company, okay? They have so many artists signed to them and so many offices all over the world. I don't even know if I'll see them again let alone if I'll ever get the chance to speak to them again." Translation: they would probably be around quite a bit over the next couple of weeks and I would do my damn well best to avoid them at all costs and stay well and truly out of sight. Don't get me wrong, they had all seemed nice enough, but the reason I became interested in music management was because I wanted the chance to manage actual talent, not over-commercialised, overrated, corporate money-makers like One Direction. I'd never been one to fake admiration and there was no way I'd be able to pretend that I enjoyed the music the band made if ever asked my opinion of them at work. No, the best thing for me to do was to stay well away from all four boys. Soon all the paperwork and stuff would be signed, they would be well and truly a part of the company, and then there would be no need for the impromptu visits to the office. The sooner 1D got themselves out of my hair, the better. 

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