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Harry at least had the good sense to look sheepish.

"What is wrong with you?" I said softly. Harry closed his eyes and sighed heavily. "I mean really, what could possibly have gotten you so angry with me?" Harry didn't reply, he just leant his head back against the wall, his eyes still closed.

"Or, or is it me?" I questioned him further. "Am I really so unbearable that you can't even pretend to respect me as your manager, or even be civil with me? I mean I know I'm a moody cow sometimes but I've never brought that into work with me. I know we started off badly, and that was completely my fault, I know it was, but I thought we'd gotten over that. Or have we not? Are we still not over that?"

"Of course we are," Harry muttered. I threw myself off the bed and marched towards him, towering over him.

"Then what the fuck is wrong, Harry?" I yelled. His eyes snapped open and he glared up at me.

"You are! You're what's wrong!" He pushed himself up from the ground and stood facing me, scowling like a pissed off teenager. I scraped my fingers back through my hair, frustrated.

"What the fuck have I done to you, Harry? What have I do-"

Suddenly the fingers in my hair were replaced by Harry's as he shoved my head towards him, trapping my mouth with his. His lips on mine were rough, almost painful, and his fingers dug into my scalp. My mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute. What the bloody hell was happening. Harry? Kissing me? What the fu-?

I pushed away from him and stared into his eyes, confused, the two of us short of breath.

"That's what you've done. You've made me want you even though you know damn well that you're the one person that I can't have."

"What the hell, Harry? How have I made you wa-?" His lips cut me off again but now he wasted no time, his tongue invading my mouth before I could even begin to protest. And of course once it had, I didn't really want to. My arms wound round his neck, almost involuntarily, and my fingers tangled into those deep, lush curls. This was bad. I knew this was bad, everything deep inside of me was telling me that this was bad. But the alcohol coursing through my veins and to my brain had me ignoring all deep thoughts. All I cared about was the here and now, and right now Harry's body felt so good against mine. I pressed my body as close to Harry's as I could, not wanting even the smallest of separations between us. I wanted to feel him so badly right now, it's all I wanted. Our tongues stroked together violently, our teeth clashing. His hands roamed over my body desperately, not wanting to let go for a second. His hands found my bum and he squeezed firmly. I moaned, excited, my grip on his hair tightening in response. Harry growled. He spun us around so quickly, pressing my back against the wall and pinning my hands above my head with just one of his.

"Don't fucking touch me," he snarled, threading his fingers tightly through my hair before yanking my head back. I bit my bottom lip hard to contain the moan threatening to fall from my mouth. He was being so rough with me and in my drunken state that didn't give a shit about what was good or bad, it was making me so hot. I strained forward against his grip on my hair and caught his bottom lip between my teeth. I sucked on it lightly before tugging hard at it. The sound that erupted from Harry's mouth was so animalistic and raw, the feral moan that slipped out of my mouth in response just as wild. I yanked my hands free from his grip and pulled his mouth back down to mine desperately, like it was the only thing that was keeping me anchored right at that moment. Harry seemed just as desperate for me, his free hand clinging to my body like he couldn't ever imagine letting go. His tongue was frantic in my mouth, licking and stroking with such unadulterated passion. Tiny moans from both of us spurred us on as more and more we began to lose ourselves and, it seemed, our minds. We were pressed so tightly, not even a hair of space between us, that I could feel the minute Harry started getting hard. I smirked into our kiss, grinding a little against him, spurring him on.

"Fuck, Taylor," he moaned into my mouth. I lost what little control I had left then as I wrapped my legs tight around his waist. Harry took complete opportunity of the new position and harshly thrust against me, rubbing his hardness directly against my heat.

"Ahh, fuck, Harry!" My head fell back against the wall and I just felt him against me. Harry's head dipped into the crook of my neck as he started planting wet, rough kisses on my neck, nipping and biting as he went. My mind switched off. That was it for me. I didn't think I'd be able to stop now, I was too far go-

"Guys?" A knock on the door had Harry and I literally flying to opposite ends of the room. And the moment the connection between us broke suddenly it was like the connection in my brain was reformed and I realised what we'd just been doing. What I'd just been doing. Ohmygosh. I looked, wide-eyed, across the room at Harry and the look on his face told me that he couldn't quite believe what had just happened either.

"Guys, are you two okay?" Liam's voice rang out from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, one minute Liam!" I yelled. My breathing was erratic, my face was flushed, I knew my hair was a mess (more so than usual) – I needed a quick second to sort myself out. As for Harry...

"Harry," I hissed at him. "Sit down, quickly!" Harry looked at me, confused. I gestured towards his lower region and the prominent, erm, bulge, there. He glanced down and the change of expression on his face told me that he'd seen what I meant. He dived onto the bed, pulling a pillow onto his lap, just as the door opened and Liam poked his head round.

"Niall and Louis told me what happened. I thought I'd come check on you in case you'd killed each other. Are you two okay now?" Okay? Clearly I wasn't okay! There was something severely wrong with my mental state – how could I have allowed that to happen? Where did that even come from! Reluctantly, oh so reluctantly, my gaze slid over to Harry. His face was flushed and his hair was all over the place. But I think he could definitely get away with saying that his appearance was just a result of being in a fight. Hopefully, so did mine. I would definitely prefer Liam to think that we'd been screaming at each other for the past however long it'd been instead of... whatever the hell that had just been.

"Yeah, we're fine now, Liam," I eventually managed to force out. "I think we should leave now though." The clock on the wall indicated that it was almost four o'clock. Liam nodded.

"Yeah, no worries. I'll round up the others."

"Wait!" Liam stared at me. No way was I being left alone with Harry again whilst I was this intoxicated "I'll come with you." I quickly crossed the room to meet Liam at the door. He gave me an odd smile before leading the way out. I followed him, casting a quick glance over my shoulder at Harry. The small smirk on his face left me with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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