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Emmie had absolutely loved the unplugged album idea, which of course I was thrilled about, so that aspect of my life was all good. There was now another matter that I now had to face, a matter that I didn't think would be so easy to sort out...

"Zoe! Can you come here for a minute please!"

It was Friday night, the day after my visit to the studio with the boys, and I had just about finished packing. Beth was sat waiting expectantly on the chair in the corner of my room, her blue eyes gleaming. I'd already confessed everything to her – about the boys, my role as their manager, our two week trip tomorrow, and my moving out indefinitely – and she'd been surprised, really surprised, but she'd taken it well. I'd always known she would though, Beth was just as laid back as I was and it'd take a lot more than me moving out to ruffle her feathers. I'd pretty much spewed out the whole thing to her and she'd just shrugged and casually said, "bye bitch!". Now, Zoe on the other hand, Zoe was going to be a problem and didn't Beth know it. She sat with an expectant grin on her face as we heard Zoe's footsteps approaching my room. The grin got even wider as Zoe's blonde head appeared in the doorway and her brown eyes grew wide.

"Why the hell is all your stuff in boxes?" Straight to the point as always.

"Zo," I said trying to stay calm for the both of us. "I'm moving out." Her jaw dropped. "Only for a little while!"

"What? Why? What's going on?"

"It's for my job. I've been given a band to manage and I'm going away with them for a couple of weeks but then the company want me to stay with them for a while after." I explained as best as I could that it wouldn't be forever and that I'd still be in London. I basically told her everything except for the part about the band's name.

Zoe looked gutted as she shuffled her way into my room and sat on the bed beside me.

"Well that sucks," she said. "I'm going to have to get a cab to uni now." I rolled my eyes. Oh great, so it's my car that she's going to miss. I decided not to say anything though because she'd taken the news surprisingly well. Hopefully she wouldn't think to ask...

"Zo, don't you want to know who the band is?" I turned to glare at Beth's smug little freckled face. That son of a b-

"Why, who's the band?" Zoe asked. I kept my eyes on Beth.

"You bitch," I mouthed to her. She just winked at me. It was annoying how alike we were sometimes.

"Tay?" Zoe again. "Go on then, who is it?" I turned back to face her slowly, oh so slowly.

"Okay, you need to promise not to freak out..."

So she freaked out. Zoe had spent the next ten minutes screaming and jumping and flailing her arms around like a small child. When she was done with that she'd started begging me to let her meet them. Once I'd refused she'd... well let's just say some harsh words had been exchanged and that only one of my friends had been awake to see me off this morning.

My face must have portrayed my bad mood because later when I pulled up in the car to get Niall he instantly commented on it.

"Someone looks like they got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," he laughed. I glared at him. Emmie had said today was a travel day, I wasn't technically working, so I had no pressure to pretend to be in a good mood. I could be my usual sarcastic, sassy, sharp-tongued self and not worry about potentially getting fired for unprofessionalism.

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