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Of course Liam was right and the tiny little student town of Falmouth was brimming with student activity that Friday night. Apparently his friend Matty had been planning on going out clubbing with a few of his friends but once I'd told Liam that a public outing was firmly off the cards for the boys he had convinced Matty to reconsider his plans.

I looked at myself in the wall mirror as I tried to decide whether to do anything with my hair. I opted against it after some thought. I was sure to be making more than a few bad decisions later tonight so my hair would inevitably get messed up. And anyway, I liked running my fingers through 'the mane'. In it's defence, my hair was looking considerably tame since I'd blow-dried it after my shower earlier; the light brown waves fell quite neatly down to my waist. I'd decided to opt for a fairly casual look considering we were only going to some grotty student house but I also hadn't wanted to look like a slob. I felt like my grey sleeveless bodysuit and black ripped jeans was more than appropriate when paired with my low wedges and black choker necklace. My eye makeup was a little darker than I did it for work but I wasn't working tonight and it was more me so I thought I'd go with it. I grabbed a checked shirt from my case and tied it round my waist, just in case I got a bit chilly later, before heading out of my room.

The reaction from the boys when I walked into the living room was unexpected but also more than welcome. All their heads turned in my reaction and just kind of... lingered. Louis let out a low whistle.

"Whoa Tay, you look..." his voice seemed to trail off as he struggled to find the right way to end his sentence.

"Nothing like our last manager?" Liam suggested? The two of them laughed as Louis nodded in agreement.

"Yup, that definitely works," he grinned.

"Gorgeous." I looked over at Niall as he made his way over to me, smiling. "You look gorgeous, Taylor." He handed me my coat and I took it with a small grin.

"Thanks, Niall." My eyes wandered round the room till they locked on Harry's. He didn't say anything, but his eyes bored straight into mine for a moment. I frowned. Harry with no annoying comments to make? How strange. He suddenly tore his gaze from mine and turned to head out of the room.

"Come on guys, we should go," he muttered.

"Wait!" Louis stopped him in his tracks and ushered us all over to the breakfast bar where a line of shots were waiting. Harry came to stand beside me and I passed him over a glass of some dark liquid. I picked mine up and gave it a sniff. Whiskey. Louis raised his glass and we all did the same.

"To a good night," he said, before downing his shot. We all agreed before pouring our drinks back to. I smiled as I felt the familiar warmth trickle down my throat. I hadn't been out in weeks and I guess I hadn't realised how much I'd missed it. I rounded the breakfast bar to grab a bottle of whiskey from the cabinet along the kitchen wall and poured myself another shot before throwing it back. I turned round to face the boys, my eyes gleaming.

"It's gonna be a great night."

By the time we pulled up to the address Matty had given Liam, it was about twelve-thirty and from the sounds of things the party was in full swing. I had to give the place credit too – it wasn't your typical student house. The large Victorian end of terrace house was at least three floors and was clearly spacious, even from the outside. I didn't know what kinds of people Matty hung out with but at that moment I was very grateful for the fact that he did.

As the boys and I stepped through the open front door of the party there were, understandably, quite a few eyes on us. I mean, they were One Direction. I had to say though, I was surprisingly flattered by how many eyes were on me too. Liam led the way with Louis next, Niall behind him then Harry and I bringing up the rear. Some sort of weird k-pop song was blaring through some hidden speakers and there were gyrating girls scattered around the hallway. I felt a strange kind of protective urge to bat this one girl's hand away as she reached out to stroke Niall's arm in front of me but fortunately Niall was more than able to look after himself and swiftly avoided the wavering arm as it came towards him. I, unfortunately, was the next victim as the girl proceeded to grab my arm, presumably trying to pull me towards her for a dance or something. A sudden arm wrapped itself around my waist and steered me away from the over-eager party goer and back behind Niall and the others. I looked behind me to find Harry barely centimetres away from me, his arm round me like a protective vice. He caught my eye and shrugged.

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