I Donut Know If This Was A Date

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Barry's POV
Kara and I we both sped to this donut place.
"1 box."
"Thank you."
"Most certainly."
She grabbed the box and we headed to get a seat.
"So Barry, how did you feel when you first got your powers?"
"I remember I was running as fast as I could, only to go out of control and I slam into the back of a laundry van. I stared  at myself, surprised and happy. I told  the scientists what happened. They took me to an abandoned airfield and  equiped me with a  heat resistant suit, equipped with a lightning shaped two way headset resistant to sonic booms. I  started running and soon I went over 200 knots per hour."
"That's incredible Barry."
"What about you?"
"I always had powers I just got left behind never cared about."
"I would never leave you behind."I smiled at her and she smiled at me, too.
"I did get found 13 years later after my planet and family were gone. So I got an adoptive human family."
"I know how you feel I remember seeing my mom get murdered by  a metahuman and my dad got accused and convicted so I had to get adoptive parents and an adoptive sister."
"Guess we have more in common than super powers and favorite color being red."
"Yeah I guess we do. I like you Kara Danvers."
"I like you Barry Allen."
She leaned in and then we..
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"Kara, it's Winn livewire escaped from prison!"
"I'm on my way!"
She hangs up.
"What's wrong?"
"My villians escaped.  Looks like national city will meet the Flash..."
I knew I would help her and I wanted to but
Kara and Barry POV
Was it a date?

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