Misson: Taking A Chance

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Several Days Later Barry's POV
"Iris, why are you up so early?"
"Because I am?"
"We're only going to see Kara."
"Correction! Your going to see Kara."
"But your coming with right?"
"Yeah but I have my eye on a much bigger price." She said with a smirk.
"It's litterally you, me, Kara, Winn, and--"
"James." She said looking of to the distance, with a gleam in her eyes, and that's when I realized I forgot.
"Barry shut up!"
"So it is true your in love with him?"
She did the same look as earlier.
"You be the judge of that."
"Do you hate him?"
"NO!! He's amazing, creative, talented, smart, handso--"
"Aww Iris has a crush!"
"I do! He makes feel just like Eddie did when I was around him." She said looking down.
"Iris what are you waiting for? He's invited you to his office numerous times to just hang out it's obvious!! Make a move."
"Iris don't you dare tell me one of those classic "He'll never like me I'm just like everyone else" or "He'd never go out with someone like me" lines cause No!! NO!! If he doesn't like you it's his loss, if he does something beautiful could happen."
"Since when did you get so smart at social interactions?"
"I was in the same situation. With Kara. I took a chance and something beautiful happend because she makes me feel what's the word?"
"Special? Full of hope?"
"Happy. You should be too."
"Your right!! I should make a move! Let's go!"
Kara's POV
"James how many times are we going over this?" "I just don't know if I should ask her out yet. What if she's not interested? What if this screws up our friendship?" "James, if she's not interested it's her loss. Your a great guy and if she can't see that forget her! How are you going to ask her out?"
"Thanks K. Actually I needed to talk to you and Winn about that."
He ran in our direction.
"What's up, Kara?"
"James needs our help."
"With what?"
"Asking out Iris."
"WOW! I'm proud of you man! I'm in!"
"Me too, what's the plan?"
Barry's POV
I look to my phone and see:
Kara 6 texts
I text back
Barry: Hey babe what's up?😘
Kara: 😙BARRY!!! Something huge is going on. I need your help!!!
Barry: OMG!!😮 What's going on?
Kara: Do you ship Iriames/Jiris?
Barry: Yes I forgot 2 tell u Iris is asking out James
Kara: OH NO!!😱
Barry: What? Does James not like Iris?
Kara: NO! He's in love with her it's just HE WAS GOING 2 ASK HER OUT!!!
Barry: 😂😰😓😂😂😂😂
Kara: What's so funny???😤😠
Barry: Nothing it's my nervous laughter. WHAT'S THE PLAN??
Kara: You come over right now and help us set up the big ask
Barry : What about Iris?
Kara: Tell her 2 meet me at Wallys (I'm the distraction)
Barry: K, I'm doing this 4 Iris.
Kara: Just come quick 2 Kats Media Center James will tell u the plan
Barry: Quick? Please I'm the Flash
Kara: LOL Just hurry over here and I'll tell Iris 2 meet me up at Wallys. Babe I will see u when Misson Impossibles Done
Barry: What am I if ur the distraction?
Kara: The Speedster, The Secret Weapon? Just Hurry!!
Barry: Text Iris right now and I'll jet over there once she tells me she's heading to Wally's
Kara: K, I just sent her a text heading over 2 Wally's right now! Good Luck!! " Barry who are you texting so rapidly?" "Kara, why?" "Weird she texted me, too." She showed me a text: Iris, come 2 Wally's 2 hang out? Food on me? "You should go Kara invited you and bribed you with free food, She doesn't do that often." "Is it okay Barry?" "It's fine by me just bring me back a Wally Burger!" With that she left and I jetted over with the boys to help my sister finally get that prize she's been eyeing out on... Kara's POV                                           Once she responded: Sure! I'd love 2 hang with u on my way over be there around 10 minutes! I flew over to Wally's in half that time. "Iris, hi!"
"Hey! So what's up is my "brother" bugging you?"
"No in fact it's the opposite kinda like Jane and Spiderman, Superman and Wonder Woman, Harley Quinn and --"
"Okay I get it!" She said with chugging a few fries at once.
"I'm sorry where are my manners? What's the 411 on you and James? Spill it!"
"Girl, you think I don't know?"
"Ok fine. I had one guy named Eddie we were going to get engaged but he died a hero. He saved so many people including the Flash.. I thought I wasn't ready to move on but with James he makes me feel like Eddie used to. It's true, I'm in love."
"Awww. I didn't know you had a fiance but I'm sure he would want you to be happy." "Yeah. Kara?"
"Yeah, Iris?"
"Thanks for inviting me. I haven't hung woth any of my girls and I think your one of my good friends. Im glad Barry found you."
It made me so happy hearing those words from her.
"Thanks you know I've never had a girl friend. I guess now I do."
We kept talking and it was great someone understood me besides Barry and the guys. She told me stories about Barry and her and how amazing Central City was.All of a sudden My phone rang and vibrated.
"Iris, May I be excused? I gotta take this."
"Sure not all take your time. James is texting me."
"What did he say?"
"Just how slow work is and how he can't wait to see me."
"I'll be back."
I go to the girls bathroom alone and see Missed Calls: Barry, Barry, Barry.
"BARRY! What's up? What's the lowdown on Misson Impossible?"
"We're almost ready. The chicks have found the worms."
"Get it? James, Winn, and I are the chicks and the worms are the operation."
"Oh. Still not funny."
"Ok then. Everything's almost set just bring Iris over."
"Alright I'm on my way bye babe."
"Bye, girl of steel."
I hung up, paid the bill, and Iris didn't have a car.
"Iris have you ever flied?"
"No, why?"
"Would you like to?"
"Why not?"
She went on my back and since no one was around I flew through the roof with Iris on our way to the biggest suprise of her life..
The Suprise Kara's POV
We arrived.
"Where is everyone?" Iris said.
Then I saw a white screen with IRIS projected on it. She takes a seat while i go with the boys.
"I is for intelligent like you, R is for real like your personality, I is for your irresistible creativity, S is for." James, Barry, Winn, and I all stand with James on the platform the boys set up. James holds Iris hand.
"S is for So will you go out with me, Iris?"
The screen then shows Iris and we flip our posters to reveal the words James said.
Then they hug for a few moments and then they both kiss.
"Hey Kara?" Barry whispered.
"Misson accomplished!"

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