Chapter 1

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It was nighttime in the land of Equestria, and in a bedroom, in a mansion in Canterlot, two fillies named Applejack and Rarity were listening to a story that was being read by Applejack's mother named Cheerliee. "Just in that moment, the ugly little alligator looked up with his sad round eyes and pleaded: "Oh please, dear princess. Only a kiss from you can break this terrible spell that was inflicted on me by a wicked witch." Cheerliee said reading the book as she worked on a purple ribbon. "Here comes my favorite part." Rarity whispered to her friend. "And the beautiful princess was so moved by his desperate plea, that she stooped down, picked up the slippery creature." As Applejack and Rarity leaned closer to listen to the story, Rarity nodded while Applejack was shaking her head no as Cheerliee read "Leaned forward, raised him to her lips, and kissed that little alligator."

"Awww!" Rarity said as Applejack gagged in disgust. "Then the alligator was transformed into a handsome prince." Cheerliee said as she finished cutting the ribbon so that it would fit the light purple princess dress that Rarity was wearing. "They were married and lived happily ever after. The end." Rarity cheered and said "Yay! Read it again, read it again!" "Sorry Rarity." Cheerliee said as she put the ribbon on the dress. "It's time for us to be heading home. Say good night, Applejack." "There is no way, in this whole wide world, Ah would ever, ever, ever, Ah mean ever kiss an alligator. Yuck!" Applejack said. Rarity gave out a smug smile and said "Is that so?" She then placed an aligator mask on her pet kitty named Opalescence, playfully shoved the cat against her face, and said "Well, here's your prince charming, Applejack. Come on, kiss!" Applejack laughed and said "No!" "Yes! Yes!" Rarity said. "Stop it!" Applejack said. "Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!" Rarity said. "Ah won't! Ah won't! Ah won't!" Applejack said.

"I would do it!" Rarity said. "I would kiss an alligator! I would kiss a hundred alligators, if I could marry a prince and be a princess." She then kissed Opalescence, causing it to screech, jump on to the ceiling, and hang onto it with her claws. As Applejack and Rarity laughed, Cheerliee said "You girls, stop tormenting that poor little kitty!" She then got the tormented kitty off the ceiling, and as the kitty walked away in fear, she said "Poor little thing." Just then, a unicorn with a moderate sapphire blue mane with moderate cerulean and dark phthalo streaks in it, moderate cerluean eyes, and a dark blue shield with a brillant rose star on it, and three light blue stars above it for his cutie mark named Shining Armor, who is the mayor of Canterlot, and Rarity's walked in, and said "Evening, Cheerliee."

"Daddy, Daddy, look at my new dress!" Rarity said as she ran up to her father, and showed him her new dress. "Isn't it pretty?" "Hah, hah, look at you." Shining Armor said with a smile. "Why, I'd expect nothing less from the finest seamstress in all of Equestria." Rarity looked at the princess's dress in the storybook and said "Ooh, I want that dress!" "Oh, now sugar, come on." Shining Armor said. "I want that one!" Rarity begged. "Please, please, please, please?!" Shining Armor sighed, turned to Cheerliee, and said "Cheerliee, you suppose you can whip something up like that?" "Anything for my best customer." Cheerliee said pointing to Rarity's dresses in different colors. "Yay!" Rarity cheered. "Come along, Applejack." Cheerliee said as they started to leave. "Your daddy should be home from work by now."

When Applejack and her mother left the bedroom, Shining Armor placed his daughter on her bed, and said "Aah, now princess, you're getting that dress, but that's it. No more Mr. Pushover." He then took out a puppy and said "Now, who wants a puppy?" "I do, I do!" Rarity said as she held onto her new puppy. "He's so cute!" Outside, Applejack and Cheerliee left the mansion, and hopped on the train to Ponyville. When the train stopped at Ponyville, they went to Sweet Apple Acres where they lived. Later in the barn, Applejack was helping her father and Cheerliee's male counterpart named Cherryloo make gumbo. "Mmm, gumbo smells good, Applejack." Cherryloo said. As Applejack stirred the gumbo, she said "Ah think it's done, Daddy." "Yeah. Are you sure?" Cherryloo asked. "Mm-hmm." Applejack said. "Absolutely positive?" Cherryloo asked. "Yes." Applejack said.

Cherryloo then took the spoon, and said "Okay, I'm about the put this spoon in my-." Applejack thought for a second and said "Wait!" She took the spoon from her father, put two shots of tabasco sauce in the gumbo, stirred a bit, tasted the gumbo, and said "Done." Cherryloo then tasted the gumbo, and thought for a minute. "What?" Applejack asked. "Well, sweetheart..." Cherryloo started to say. "This is the..." He looked at his daughter, hugged her, and said "The best gumbo I've ever tasted!" Applejack laughed as her father held her. "Come here." Cherryloo called out to Cheerliee who was busy sewing a new dress for Rarity. When she went up to her husband, Cherryloo said "Cheerliee, our little filly's got a gift." Cheerliee smiled and said "I've could've told you that." "A gift this special just gotta be shared." Cherryloo said as Applejack went outside.

"Hey everypony!" Applejack said to her neighbors. "Ah made gumbo!" "Mmm, that smells good!" One of her neighbors said as the other ponies gathered. "I got some hushpuppies, Applejack. Here I come." Another neighbor said. Later they ate gumbo with Applejack and her parents. Later, in Applejack's bedroom, Cherryloo said "You know the thing about good food?" Applejack shook her head no. "It brings ponies together from all walks of life." Cherryloo said. "It warms them right up and it puts little smiles on their faces." He then took out a flyer for a restaurant, and said "And when I open up my own restaurant, I tell you, ponies are gonna line up from miles around, just to get a taste of my food." "Our food." Applejack said correcting her father. "That's right, baby." Cherryloo said chuckling as he wrote the words 'Applejack's Palace' on the flyer with a pen. "Our food."

Cherryloo then gave Applejack the flyer, and she hugged it. She then looked out the window and gasped. "Daddy, look." Applejack said as she crawled on her bed to the window. "Where are you going?" Cherryloo asked. Applejack pointed at a bright star and said "Rarity's fairytale book said: If ya'll make a wish on the evening star, it is sure to come true." "Yeah, you wish on that star sweetheart." Cheerliee said with a smile. "Yes, you wish and you dream with all your little heart." Cherryloo said. "But you remember dear Applejack, that old star can only take you part of a way. You got to help it with some hard work of your own. And then...yeah, you can do anything you set your mind to." He then hugged his daughter and said "Just promise your daddy one thing? That you'll never, ever lose sight of what is really important. Okay?" Applejack nodded and said "Okay, daddy."

"See you in the morning, baby cakes." Cheerliee said as she tucked Applejack into her bed and kissed her good night. "Get some sleep." Cheerliee then turned out the light, walked out with her husband, and closed the door. When they were gone, Applejack opened her eyes, crawled on the bed to the window, and looked at the star. She looked at the flyer, then at the star. She then closed her eyes, hugged her flyer, and whispered "Please, please, please." Applejack then felt a prescence near her. She looked next to her to see an alligator. The alligator then made a noise, causing Applejack to scream as the alligator ran off from the window. Applejack then ran out of her bedroom to find her parents.

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