Chapter 7

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Applejack crawled out of her dress, looked up at AJ, and said "Ya'll don't look that much different. But how did you get way up there? And how did Ah get way down there, in all this-." She stopped talking she realized that she was looking at alligator skin. She looked at her reflection in the hoof mirror to see that she turned into an alligator with pink eyes, and screamed in terror as she climbed up Rarity's desk, and started hyperventilating. "Easy, Princess!" AJ said trying to calm Applejack. "Do not panic!" "What did ya'll do to me?!" Applejack asked still feeling scared. "Ah-Ah'm green and...Ah'm slimy!" "No, no, no." AJ said. "This is not slime." "What?!" Applejack asked. "You're secreting mucus." AJ said as Applejack started to get angry, and said "You...You...!" She tackled AJ, and they fell off the desk, bounced off the seat cushion, hit the bookshelf, and landed on a rocking dragon. A book fell from the bookshelf, and landed on the rocking dragon, launching AJ and Applejack as they flew out the balcony, and landed on a drum set being played by a pony dressed like a knight who started beating the instrument which led to the other music playing ponies to play jazz music, and the other ponies started dancing to the upbeat music.

One of the dumsticks hit the one of the cymbals, launching AJ and Applejack into the air, and they landed in Rarity's costume, and she started squirming around. The prince imposter turned to give Rarity a glass of apple cider, only to see her squirming in her dress. She flipped, and landed on the floor. She looked at the alligators, and screamed in horror as Shining Armor looked at the alligators in shock, and said "Hey, Winona!" Winona looked up from eating apple muffins, and Shining Armor said "Get them alligators!" "Run!" AJ said as he grabbed Applejack, and hopped off of Rarity. "AH can't run!" Applejack said as the prince imposter stared in shock, and dropped the glasses full of apple cider. "I'm an alligator!" "Then crawl!" AJ said as he and Applejack landed on the table, and started crawling with Winona chasing them while trying to climb onto the table. "Down boy! Down you monster dog!" AJ and Applejack dodged a pony wearing a Zorro costume who nearly swiped at them with a sword, and said "En garde!" He sliced a giraffe's head that came from a pony wearing a giraffe costume, and landed on AJ and Applejack's head. "Look out!" AJ said as he and Applejack struggled to get away. "Get out of the way!" As the moved past the two ponies trying to kiss each other, Applejack said "Where are we going?!" "Excuse me!" AJ said as Winona bumped into the mare wearing a mermaid costume, snaring the mermaid tail from her.

As they went past a pony wearing an octopus costumes with glasses of apple cider in the tentacles, Applejack said "Ah can't see a thing!" "Neither can Ah!" AJ said. As the octopus costume wearing pony dumped the apple cider on the floor, thinking that he was seeing things from drinking too much apple cider, a string of lights caught the giraffe head, and AJ and Applejack stopped at the edge of the table near the balloons with Winona getting closer to them. "Winona, wait!" Applejack said as AJ untied the balloons, grabbed Applejack, and said "Going up!" As Winona jumped up to catch the alligators, Applejack said "Winona, it's me! Applejack!" "Applejack?!" Winona asked in shock as she landed on a cart, launching a large cake into the air, and it landed on Flim and Flam, covering them in cake, and frosting. As the alligators started floating into the air, Applejack began to panic, and said "Winona just talked to me! The dog just spoke to me!" "You know, if you are going to let every little thing bother you, it's going to be a very long night!" Down below, the pony wearing a clown costume with a mask glared at the alligators in anger. She took off the mask to reveal herself as Trixie. She looked at the prince imposter called Dr. Caballeron who was running to a small house near the manison, and quietly followed him.

Dr. Caballeron went inside, and opened the cupboard to see that the jar that was used to keep AJ inside was empty. "Oh dear." He muttered as Trixie came up from behind him, looking at the empty jar, and startling him in the process. "You are so quiet." "You let him go?!" Trixie asked in anger. As Dr. Caballeron backed away in fear, he said "The poor gator was gasping! So, I loosened the lid ever so slightly, and-!" He suddenly tripped, and landed on the floor. Trixie's shadow laughed at Dr. Caballeron, and he said "How did I ever get tangled up in all this voodoo madness?!" He stood up, and said "I can't go through with this!" He took off his talisman, turning back into his original form, and said "You wear this-this gastly thing!" When he through it at Trixie, she panicked, and caught it with her magic as she said "Careful with that!! If anything happens to this, I'm gonna be-!" She threatened to hit Dr. Caballeron, but he cowered in fear. Trixie finally calmed down, placed the talisman around her neck, and said "Fun fact about voodoo, doc. Can't conjure a thing for myself. Besides, you and I know the real power in Equestria ain't magic." She pointed at the picture of Shining Armor, and said "It's bits! Buckets of it!" "That's true." Dr. Caballeron said. "Aren't you tired of living on the sidelines while all those fat cats in their fancy carriages don't give you so much of a sideways glance?" Trixie asked. Dr. Caballeron then got angry, and said "Yes, I am." As they walked up to a larg mirror, Trixie said "All you got to do, is marry Shining Armor's little princess, and we'll be splitting that juicy Armor fortune right down in the middle." She placed the talisman around Dr. Caballeron's neck, and he turned to AJ's form as she said "Sixty-Forty like I said. "Yes, yes." Dr. Caballeron said. "But, what about AJ?" Trixie smacked Dr. Caballeron in the head, and said "Your little slip-up will be a minor bump in the road, so as long as we got the prince's blood in this." Dr. Caballeron chuckled, and said "Yes, yes."

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