Chapter 5

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At Rarity's mansion, all the ponies that were invited were to the masquerade ball were enjoying themselves. Each pony that were invited were wearing different costumes, and they were dancing, and drinking apple cider, and eating Applejack's apple muffins. Shining Armor who was wearing a Zeus costume saw a unicorn named Claude who was wearing a devil costume, and said "Ah, senator Claude!" "Hey, Shining Armor." Claude said. Shining Armor looked at Applejack in her Cinderella's servant dress costume, and said "I hope you leaving some of the apple muffins for your constituents." Applejack nodded as Shining Armor and Claude left the table with some apple muffins. She gave an apple muffin to a unicorn named Upper Crust who was wearing a saxophone costume, and said "Here you go. Piping hot." When Rarity's dog named Winona tried to take an apple muffin, Applejack moved them away from her, and said "Winona, excuse me. Winona, no, no." Winona looked up at Applejack with sad, round eyes, and whimpered. Applejack rolled her eyes, and said "Okay, but just one." She tossed Winona an apple muffin, and she caught it with her mouth.

Rarity who was wearing a pink princess costume with a silver crown on her head was pacing back and forth while waiting for AJ to show up. An earth pony named Hayseed Turnip Truck who was hearing a purple jester costume was following Rarity as he said "But miss Rarity, you said later two hours ago." Rarity sighed, and said "Hayseed! When a mare says later, she really means not ever!" Hayseed Turnip Truck frowned, and walked away as Rarity said "Now run along. There are plenty of young mares dying for you to waltz them into a stupor." She ran to Applejack's table, grabbed as many napkins as she could get, and said "Give me those napkins, quick!" "What in tarnation for?" Applejack asked. As Rarity wiped the swear from her body, she said "I swear I'm sweating like a sinner in church! Oh, Applejack, It's getting to be so late!" "There's still a few stragglers." Applejack said. "It's just not fair!" Rarity said feeling upset. "My prince is never coming!" "Now, Rarity-." Applejack tried to say as she tried to calm her friend down, but Rarity tossed her crown away as she said "I never get anything I wish for!" As Rarity started running up the stairs, Applejack grabbed Rarity's crown, and ran to catch up with her as she said "Rarity, wait!" Rarity reach the top of the stairs as she cried her eyes out. Applejack ran up to her friend, and said "Just calm down and take a deep-." Rarity gasped as the tears started ruining her makeup, and said "Maybe I just gotta wish harder." She looked at a wishing star, and said "Please, please, please, please, please-!"

Applejack sighed, and said "Rarity, you can't just wish on a star, and expect-." Suddenly they heard somepony said "Mares and gentlecolts! His royal highness, Prince AJ!" Applejack and Rarity turned around to see AJ in his white prince outfit with a red sash on it walking towards the crowd who bowed before him. Rarity took the crown from Applejack who looked at the wishing star, and wondered if she was wrong. Rarity placed the crown on her head, wiped the tears from her eyes, fixed the makeup on her face, whistle to sompony to put the spotlight on, and threw sparkles in the air as the spotlight shined on her, and she struck a pose. AJ walked near the steps, and Rarity quickly walked down the steps. She then pulled the prince close to her, and they began to dance as the soft music started playing. Applejack walked down the stairs, and watch the couple dance. When AJ dipped Rarity, she looked at Applejack, and smiled as she pointed at the prince. Applejack just smiled, and shrugged as she swayed to the music. Suddenly Flim wearing a Batman costume, and Flam wearing a Robin costume appeared, and Flim said "Evening Applejack. Marvelous party."

Applejack smiled, and said "Evening Flim and Flam." "Fine smelling apple muffins." Flam said looking at the apple muffins. As Applejack served the apple muffins to the two unicorns, she said "Gonna be the house specialty, once Ah signed those papers ya'll brought." "Yes...about that." Flim said nervously. "You were outbid." Flam said as he started to take some apple muffins. Applejack frowned at the news, and said "What?" "The stallion came in offering a full amount of cash." Flim said. "Unless you can top his offer by Wednesday." "You can kiss the place goodbye." Flam said. They started to leave, but Applejack stopped them, and said "You know how long it took me to save that money?!" "Exactly!" Flim said. "Which is why a little mare of your background would have had a hooves full, trying to run a big business like that. No. You're better off where your at." "Now wait a minute!" Applejack said as Flim and Flam started to leave "Love those apple muffins, though!" Flam said. "Now, hold on a minute! Applejack said as she started to pull on Flam's cape. "You...You come back here!" But then she accidently let go of the cape, and she screamed as she stumbled back, and crashed into the table, spilling the apple muffins, and grape syrup, and strawberry syrup onto her costume.

Rarity went up to Applejack, and said "Applejack, time to hit prince charming with those stallion-catching apple-." She stopped when she saw Applejack looking like a terrible mess. "What happened?" She asked. "Ah...Ah just." Applejack stuttered out as Rarity helped her up, and said "Oh, you poor dear." She looked at AJ and said "Oh Prince AJ, we'll be right back, sugar!" As they walked up the stairs, Rarity looked at Applejack, and said "I got just the dress for you."

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