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Dad had dropped me off infront of the school building this morning. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way into the school building. Last night, they officially announced the tour and the datelines. Me and Charlie were shook and still can't get over the fact that we're going on tour with them. I met Charlie at the huge willow tree and walked with her to our lockers.

I saw Bailey and her minions, Amanda and Brooklyn fangirling about going to the Save Rock and Roll tour as we passed them to go to our locker. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my books. Unfortunately, she caught my shady act. Not that I care though.

"Why are you rolling your eyes? Jealous because we got the tickets and you don't?" She sneered and waved her phone that has the ticket information on it in front of my face. That statement made me want to puke.

"Oh guys, y'all gonna be so surprised,"  Charlie butted in. "See ya ladies there, we got better views and more datelines than yours," I smirked.

"Wait what did you guys mean by that?" She scoffs. I did the hunger games salute and Charlie winks cheekily at her. We walked off leaving her and her clique dumbfounded. I've never felt so good in my life.


After listening to the teacher's monotonic voice in french class, The lunch bell finally rang.I packed my bag and I walked out the classroom with Charlie and Maddie to the cafeteria. Chloe was absent today.

We got our lunch tray and sat at our table that we usually sat at. We started eating until we heard a loud crash coming from the other side of the cafeteria. A girl was getting tripped by Bailey and Noah. Her tray of food flew and her red hair was drenched in milk. Noah is the biggest scumbag in this middle school and he is Bailey's douchebag boyfriend. What a perfect pair.

The girl's shirt was covered in pasta sauce and her face was covered in various type of liquid. The girl stood up and ran out from the cafeteria. I nudged Charlie and we stood up and walked furiously to their so called 'popular' table.

"What the hell is your goddamn problem?!" Charlie shouted in Bailey's face. Bailey flinched backwards from Charlie's angry tone. Noah pushed past Bailey and now he is confronting Maddie.

"You guys need to chill. It is just a joke," Noah laughs. "Joke on my fucking ass. She's hurt. Get a life you douchebag!"  Maddie shouted in his face before slapping the boy. I ran off to find the girl. I stopped infront of the girls bathroom after I heard faint sobbing and I quickly pushed the door open and search through all the cubicles. The girl was crying while kneeling down and holding a small and shiny metal blade.

( T R I G G E R R I N G )

"No please don't do it!" I screamed but it is too late. The blade had already made contact with her pale skin. Blood was gushing out of her wrist and she already passed out. I panicked and the door flew open. Maddie and Charlie were panting cause they ran all the way here. I pulled out a packet of tissues and hold it under the running tap water. I pulled her long sleeves up and millions of scars were littered all over her arm. Some was faded and some looked pretty new. I quickly pressed the wet tissues on her wounded wrist.

"Principal are getting actions on them," Maddie said. I nodded while trying to clot her blood using the wet tissues.

"Guys, make sure that her breathing is stable. I'm gonna call the nurse," I said panicking. They nodded and I ran off to the nurse's office.

I knocked on the wooden door and Ms. Natalia answered the door. She's the head nurse in this school

"Ms. Natalia, please hurry. There's a girl in the bathroom and she cuts. Her wound seemed deep. Please help," I choked out nervously. She nodded and she quickly called the other nurses to help her.

They barges into girls bathroom and the girl had already passed out with blood, still gushing out of her wrist. The nurses carried her and I help cleaned up the blood on the floor. I walked with Maddie and Charlie to the nurse's office.

"Thank you Maddie, Charlie and Alyssa for bringing her here.You guys saved her life," Ms. Natalia said while smiling weakly. I managed to cracked a smile.

The bell rang and it is time for us to go back to class. We walked back to class still in shocked about what happened. That was my first time watching someone cuts. Wow a lot of shit happens today.


So shit happens. If some of you guys suffered from something that made you wanna harm yourself feel free to pm me. We can all be friends with each other.

SOTD : Where Did The Party Go - Fall Out Boy.

I mean the bassline is amazing. Andy being a beast on the drum and and the guitar is amazing and Patrick's voice is just amazing.

Keep reading. Pm me or comment if you have any ideas I can use and i'll you credit.

hannah x

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