a/n : 4 years later

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so y'all are still reading this book huh?  that's crazy.

i've grown so much since the last 4 years when i last wrote this book. i was 13 when i started this book and as a 17 years old now, i couldn't bear to read this monstrosity again. but, i'm definitely grateful that there are still people who enjoy this book.

my target demographic has changed. i'm no longer a huge 'stan' for what we called the emo trinity anymore as my interests has changed
(but the amazing songs will still be in my playlist and will be bopped to forever)

despite that, i definitely cherished the memories i had during my 'emo' phase. it was a good time.

i want to apologies for the heaps amount of errors and mistakes in this book. my wordings, my intentions, the boring ass plot— there's so many things that are wrong in my eyes as i took a glance into this book.

my writing capabilities have definitely grown. by writing this book as my first one, i've been able to improve my writing to what i'm currently authoring to now.

i apologise if in any way, i've offended you when reading this book. that's my biggest concern as the last thing i want is putting out content that is potentially triggering without a warning to my readers.

thank you for enjoying this book, always.

farewell now,

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