Chapter Three

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"Who are they and how do you know them?!"

They speak in quiet but heated whispers, waiting for my answer. "I met them when I was younger. Adder's father and my father were good friends but Adder thought he was better because his father had more money then my father."

Both Cidda and Rhaw listen intently as they wait for me to continue. I sigh before going on, "and Alilawen...I dated her. It was nice but super weird at times. She doesn't seem all that right in the head."

After overcoming the shock, Cidda looks at me as if I was a blind beggar. "You dated Alilawen?...Seriously?" I nod in response, waiting to hear what Rhaw has to say about the matter. It takes him a minute as I watch him struggle with his words. "You dated the crazy girl?" After a few seconds of silence and arguing with myself internally I answered, "Yes. I dated the crazy girl. And she doesn't like all pain...just sexual pain."

They both look at each other and look back at me questioningly. They both speak at the same time after moments of silence, "WHY?!" I can't help but laugh at them. "I thought she was nice but then she started showing who she really was." They slowly nod, processing what I've said then Cidda speaks up.

"Alilawen and Adder are gone...weren't they just there a moment ago?" She points at where they stood before Rhaw stands up. "Let's go find them. Come Cidda, Nydiragord." He starts walking forward and Cidda follows as I stand to my feet. I take a mental note of Rhaw and his leadership skills. He may seem happy and go with the change in tide kind of man but he knows how to take charge.

All three of us stop dead in our tracks as a high pitch squeal emanates from a dark path. Cidda looks down the pathway and gulps heavily before shakily speaking, "T-they're down th-there...aren't they?" I start to turn around and walk off, "Well looks like it's just us!"

Rhaw grabs the back of my jerkin again before speaking sternly. "Nydiragord. We're not leaving them...even if they aren't right in the head. Now let's go." He lets go of me and I look at Cidda before I touch her shoulder. In response she jumps a little, slowly turning to face me with tears running down her cheeks. "Nydiragord..."


Sorry that this chapter is up later then I wanted it to be and I apologize for the shortened length of this chapter. I have plans for the story..but I felt this chapter was taking a while so I'll continue with a fresh start in Chapter Four. Try not to be too upset with me :P

If you'd like to comment feel free to. I'd like to see feedback and support.


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