Chapter 6

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As we continued on our way, Rhaw figured out that Yaema wasn't right around the corner and we had a long while before actually get to our intended destination. He wasn't too bright and couldn't read a map to save his life but he was fun to have around.

"I wanna see the sea now!" Rhaw whined as if he were a child. It was a bit frustrating to hear this for the eleventh time and Adder wasn't helping, replying with, "The sea is far away! We can't change that! Just keep walking and we'll eventually be there!"

I couldn't help but laugh at them both and Cidda showed a small smile at the exchange. Alilawen was, as usual, in her own world, humming happily and smiling warmly. It was nice hearing Adder's frustration instead of Alilawen's weirdness.

I looked over at Cidda and smiled a little at her which in return I got an annoyed expression. All I can say...brutal. After our friendly chat earlier, I doubt I'll be in the good books for a while. I sighed as Rhaw perked up after seeing a city, it's name being Thahti.

"It's not Yaema Rhaw so stop gawking at it." Adder spit out venomously. "I'm allowed to. I've never been outside of the kingdom before so it's all new to me." Rhaw spat back at him. Alilawen knocked Adder on the head with her staff with a frown on her face. "Now now boys...that's enough fighting between you two. We're here for a reason and I'm sure that the kingdom treasures are of more important than your pointless squabbles." she said sternly.

"Yes madam..." they both said in tune. Cidda giggled a little and I was horrified at the sight.

"She acted motherly...what if she has kids? Oh no...! More, tinier versions of her running around!"

"Nydiragord?" Cidda said drawing me out of my thoughts. "Yes?" I asked turning to face her. "Something wrong?" she questioned. "No...nothing at all." I answered. "You sure? You look like you've seen a screaming banshee." she says a little concerned. "I'm alright. Really. Let's go speak with the Royal family who presides over Thahti." I respond before walking into town.

I hear her sigh before she follows me while Alilawen drags Rhaw and Adder behind her. As we enter through the town's main entrance, I start to look around at the empty streets. "Something doesn't seem right here...usually it's a bit more packed. Everyone be on alert." I say a little worriedly.

"This isn't right...Thahti isn't this quiet. We need to get to the manor and quickly but I'd rather not cause a commotion."

Suddenly, everything went dark and I felt something warm run down the side of my head. "This can't be good..." was my last thought as my consciousness fled from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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