Drunk ~NamJin~

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"Babe, I'm going out!" Namjoon shouted to his boyfriend, Jin. Jin shouted and 'okay, be careful' back and knew that his boyfriend would be out drinking. Jin hated it when Namjoon drank, and Namjoon knew this but still did occasionally. 

Although, he only had a little bit to drink every time he went out. He did it because he still had respect for his boyfriend and didn't want Jin to deal with him drunk. But tonight, he hadn't planned on drinking so much, it just happened. 

While he was at the bar, a woman went up to him. She started kissing him and feeling him up. Namjoon didn't get any pleasure and tried to push the woman away, but she stayed put. His body didn't react though. 

He kept his lips still, eyes opened, and his hands away from her as anyone could take a picture and send it Jin. He didn't find any pleasure in her hands, as they were to rough and needy. They were nothing like Jin's. 

No one had helped him, his friends already too drunk to know what was going on. But a man passed by with and drink and Namjoon grabbed it, pouring it onto the girl dressed in barely anything. She screamed and ran away. 

Namjoon didn't want to tell Jin, but knew he had to because if he figured out about it, it would have been taken out of context. But he also knew, that the only way he could tell Jin, was to get extremely drunk. 

He drank, drink after drink. He downed shots and beer, Bloody Mary's, Sex on the Beach's, anything. He drank until he couldn't any more and stumbled outside to call for a taxi. When a taxi came,  he got in and started to spill everything. 

"Did you know, I might've cheated on my boyfriend?" He slurred and told him what happened with the girl at the bar. "And I need to tell him, but I couldn't do it sober, so I needed some liquid courage." He mumbled as he threw up in his mouth. 

The txi dropped him off at the front door of the house. He thanked the cab driver and he stumbled inside, not bothering to pay the man. He opened the door and Jin was there awake. "Jinie." He whined. "I have something to tell you."            

"So, I was just sitting there minding my own business," He stopped and hiccuped. "And this girl just comes up to me and stays there. I didn't do any.... anything. I stayed there and didn't kiss back..." He vomited in his mouth again and swallowed it. "I tried- tried to push her off but she wouldn't budge." 

"A dude passed by and I pours drinks.... on her." He said as he fell into Jin's lap. Jin laughed and understood why he was so drunk. He wouldn't be able to sell him without being drunk, he was afraid of Jin getting mad and leaving. 

"It's okay Namjoon, I understand." He said, but he was still going to get his sweet revenge. The best thing for a hangover. And Jin knew this. He was going to get back at Namjoon for drinking so much. Namjoon was throwing up in the toilet and Jin was rubbing his back. 

Namjoon passed out on the bathroom floor and Jin brought him to their bed. He was going to wake up at six and start making bacon and sausage and all that greasy good stuff. He set his alarm, low so only he could hear it. 

When it reached six, he got up and started making it. He was just finished the sausage when he got two pans and went over to Namjoon to wake him up. He banged the pans together, earning a groan from Namjoon in the process.  

Namjoon woke up, holding his head and followed Jin to the kitchen. He smelled the grease and almost threw up again. He sat down and began to eat the food, a smirking Jin watching him do so. 

"You know, most people help their lovers when they have a hangover." Namjoon mumbled to Jin. Jin laughed. "Well, you were the one who was drinking in the first place." Jin retorted. He got up and got Namjoon some aspirin and water. 

"Here, since you drank for a cause. I'm done torturing you. Drink this and I'll make you some pancake and then I'll help you bathe." He told Namjoon, going to the kitchen to start the pancakes. Namjoon went to the rest room and brushed his teeth. 

He went up behind Jin and back hugged him. Jin jumped a little at the action because he wasn't expecting it. Namjoon laughed and kissed his lovers cheek. 

"I love you." 

"I love you, too." 

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