Remember ~YoonSeok/YoonMin~

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"Remember that time we went to Disneyland? We had so much fun." Yoongi said, smiling. He was talking with Hoseok, his boyfriend and husband of ten years. He kept smiling and was extremely happy to be with him. 

"I brought you some flower to celebrate, I'm sorry I can't do more. I'm on kind of a busy schedule." Yoongi told him. Jungkook and Taehyung were waiting for Yoongi to finish talking to his lover. Yoongi kept reminiscing on his favorite moments with Hoseok. 

"You know I love you right?" He asked Hoseok, there was just silence. Yoongi began to cry a little bit. "I miss you a lot, you know?" Yoongi told Hoseok, there was nothing but silence. Taehyung and Jungkook stayed behind, and started to feel bad for the older. 

Yoongi fell to his knees and stayed there. "Hoseok, I don't think I can make it any longer without you. I need you with me, by my side. You're my sunshine. You gave me hope when all was lost. I can't write anything anymore. I can't take pictures without them being fuzzy or have something that isn't supposed to be there. Every time I see a couple I can't help but think about us. About what we used to be. Hoseok, why? Why can't you be with me again?!" Yoongi shouted. 

Jungkook and Taehyung figured that it was enough. They brought Yoongi to the car and set him in the back seat. They were a little bit of ways from Yoongi's house, so he cried him self to sleep in the back seat of Taehyung's car. 

When they finally got to Yoongi's house and they woke him up. He thanked them for the ride and he walked in and up the stairs. He had been sleeping in the guest room because he couldn't bring himself to sleep in the room that he used to share with his love. 

He entered the main room and sat on the bed. He just sat there in the middle of the queen sized bed, knees brought up to his chest and head down. He dozed off like that, all the crying had drained him of his energy. 

"I loved the Disneyland trip. It was amazing, and going on Splash Mountain was the best. And then going home, how we had just that night to ourselves. Of course I know that you love me, and yes, I know you miss me a lot. I miss you too. I love you too. But Yoong's, you need to make it without me. Find someone better. Find someone to make you happy, to inspire you to write again, to take the best pictures you can. I love you Yoongi, you don't have to forget about me, keep me in your heart and mind forever. But, find someone who made me feel like you did, to feel like you're on top of the world with them. Someone who will make your world brighter. Have fun and live life. I love you." 

Yoongi woke up. He ran down the stairs and put on his shoes and ran to his car. He drove to the flower shop and picked up a bouquet Hoseok's favorite flowers. He then drove back to where Hoseok was. He exited the car and walked down the rows until he found Hoseok's. 

He placed the bouquet of flowers down. "I love you. And I'll try. I'll try to find someone to make me feel the way I felt with you. I love you, Hoseok. And you'll forever be with me." He said and kissed the cement tombstone. He got up and started to walk away. 

He drove to the small cafe that was a few minutes away from the graveyard. He ordered Hoseok's favorite drink. He was almost finished with it when a small man came up to him, 

"Hi, I'm Jimin." 

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