Kinky ~YoonMin~

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If you've read Cigarettes, you've probably seen this, but there a different ending.
"Daddy." Jimin whined. He had been trying to sleep with a boner, but nothing could rid him of it, so he needed help from his Daddy. Yoongi looked to his lover, and weakened at the sight of him. Jimin's hair was messed up, and his clothes were ruffled. In Yoongi's mind, Jimin looked hot. "H-hey, baby boy. What's the matter?" He asked. Jimin bit his lip. "Well, I-I was thinking about you and.." He trailed off, looking down. Yoongi followed his eyes and smirked, seeing the tent in Jimin's shorts.

"It's nice to know I have this effect on you." He motioned for Jimin to sit on his lap. Jimin walked as best as he could, his boner making it difficult. He sat where he was told. Yoongi brought their faces together and kissed him roughly. The force of the kiss causing Jimin to moan, letting Yoongi slip his tongue into Jimin's mouth, exploring every inch.

Jimin didn't even try to fight for dominance, he was took weak and desperate. He just wanted to be touched, just wanted a release. Yoongi moved his hand to Jimin's thigh and squeezed. He moved his mouth to Jimin's jaw and started nipping at it. Soon, he stopped kissing Jimin all together and removed his shirt. He took a long look at Jimin. The only thing crossing Yoongi's mind was 'This beautiful piece of shit is mine, all mine.'

Jimin, being as self conscious as he is, started feeling uncomfortable because Yoongi was staring at him for such a long time. He felt like there was something wrong with he body, he started to shift, making Yoongi stop him by holding his waist. "Baby boy, I've told you multiple times before, don't be nervous around me. Daddy loves you." Yoongi told Jimin with a smile. Jimin nodded and Yoongi went down to Jimin's collar bone.

He started to suck and nip at it, making Jimin a moaning mess. With every moan, Yoongi could feel his own shorts getting tighter. He stopped sucking at the spot and pulled away, smiling down at the bruise that would be there for a little bit. "I love the way my marks look on you, princess." He said as he went to lick it one last time. He went back up and kissed Jimin, running his hands up and down his abs, stopping at a peck and pinching an already hardened nipple, causing Jimin to moan a little louder.

"Park Jimin, those moans are going to get you fucked." Yoongi growled into the smaller boys ear. Jimin originally wanted a blow job from Yoongi, but getting fucked seemed way more fun.

He moaned again as Yoongi continued to pinch at the nipple. He didn't care, he wanted it. Yoongi removed his hand and whispered into Jimin's ear. "Let's take this to the room." He got up, having Jimin wrap his legs around his waist. They were having a make out session on the way to the room, Jimin tugging at Yoongi's hair, causing Yoongi to stumble over some things.

They finally made it to the room and Yoongi placed Jimin on the bed, carefully.

"Daddy, please. Touch me. Fuck me." Jimin whined again. Yoongi smirked at him. "Anything for my baby boy."

He slowly slipped off Jimin's shorts and saw how much bigger the bulge was without the shorts covering it.

"Baby, you're so hard already. Do I really make you like this?" Yoongi whispered in Jimin's, making Jimin nod. "Now you know how I feels whenever you tease me baby." He smirks as he places light kisses below Jimin's ear.

He started to palm Jimin through his boxers, feeling that he was leaking with precum. He himself got harder, if possible. Jimin was letting out low moans. Yoongi loved the sounds of his baby's moans. They were so adorable and cute, and so hot to the point that  he couldn't get enough of them.

He let Jimin's boxers down, making him gasp, and slowly started rubbing his member.

Jimin in return moaned, he loved his daddy's hands. They were so soft and gentle, but rough if he or Jimin wanted to be rough. They felt so nice against him.

Yoongi didn't want to leave, but had to because he wanted to taste more than just those two sinful lips.

He lowered his head, licking and nipping at some of the skin on the way down. Jimin was moaning and letting out little gasps as he fell his lips and teeth graze against his skin.

Everywhere that Yoongi touched, left Jimin's skin burning and he felt a shock every time it made contact.

He knew that he loved to do this with him.

He loved the relationship that they had was probably weird but he loved it.

He loved the feeling he got when he was with Yoongu, both romantically and unromantically.

He loved the cute dates that they would go on, how Yoongi would compliment him on how pretty he looked.

He loved how Yoongi looked at him, with so much love and desire.

And he knew that Yoongi loved it too, because Jimin stared just as much of it.

He loved how Yoongi would help him when he needed it, he loved how they would just sir down for hours and draw, cuddle, color, watch Disney movie.

He loved little space.

And most of all, he loved Yoongi.

Well this got sappy fast, let's get back to Kinky Shit.

Lol, this is it. Yep.

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