Gods and Monsters ~JiKook~

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"I'll- I'll do it if it means he can calm down." Says Jungkook to the older boy, whose eyes were slowly getting red. "Do it then, tame my demon." "I love you Jimin." And with that, the younger boy gave his entire being to the older. Jimin smirked and placed his hands on Jungkook's shoulders, pushing him back slightly so he would fall onto the bed. "Slave, you know what to do."

Jungkook nodded his head and raised shaking hands to Jimin's waist, unbuckling the belt that held the pants up, and undoing the buttons. He slowly lowered the jeans, making Jimin inpatient and growl. "Faster, don't keep daddy waiting." He said in a low and demanding voice. The voice sent shivers down Jungkook's spine and blood to his cock, making it erect.

He wasted no more time in getting the rest of the fabric covering Jimin's lower waist off. He grabbed Jimin's cock and placed his thumb over the tip, receiving a low moan from Jimin. He brought his face closer to Jimin's cock and placed experimental kitten lips all over. He looked up at Jimin through his eyelashes and saw the look of pure euphoria. He continued his actions before he started wanting something more. He soon placed his entire mouth over Jimin's cock and started bobbing at a slow speed, picking up as time passed. Jimin threw his head back and placed his hands in Jungkook's hair.

His hold grew tighter as he came close to climaxing. Jungkook knew this and hollowed his cheeks and sucked faster, playing with the tip with his tongue. With one loud moan Jimin came in Jungkook's mouth. Jimin looked at him and Jungkook immediately swallowed, licking the extra that was dribbling down his chin. "You did so well, Baby. Now come give Daddy a kiss."

Jimin pulled Jungkook up and they both melted into the kiss. "You said you would tame him, but you're just making him go even more wild." Jimin whispered after they pulled apart. "You seem to be making mine show too." Jungkook said as he forced his mouth upon Jimin's again. The force making Jimin moan, letting Jungkook slide his tongue into the cavern. Jimin wasn't having it, he was the dominate one. He pushed Jungkook back onto the bed and and climbed on top of him. "Daddy is dominate remember." Jungkook whined but nonetheless let Jimin take over. Jimin's hand slid down to Jungkook crotch, rubbing at the clothed member. 

Jungkook moaned and arched his back, eyes clenched shut and mouth hanging ajar. Jimin couldn't help but stare at the beautiful boy withering beneath him. He couldn't believe that he was about to have Jungkook, but he wouldn't want it any different. He hurriedly pulled Jungkook's pants and boxers down, revealing his hardened member. The cool air made him shiver, he let out another moan when Jimin grabbed hold of it harshly. He held onto it as he slid down to rub their cocks together. Jungkook arched his back more and let out a strangled whine. 

Jimin kept doing what he was doing while watching Jungkook's face. It was so beautiful, everything about Jungkook was beautiful. He leaned down and placed a small peck on Jungkook's lips before moving down to attack his neck. He sucks and Jungkook loved the feeling of his lover's tongue on his neck. With his breathing labored and voice shaking he managed to utter a few words. "Please Jimin." Jimin pulled up and looked Jungkook in the eye. "Please what?"

"Please, fuck me."

"Anything for my baby." 

He quickly stood up and positioned Jungkook to where he was comfortable. Even though his demon was taking over, that side cared for Jungkook just as much as Jimin did. "Let me know if it hurts." He said sincerely. Jungkook nodded and scrunched his nose up in discomfort as he felt Jimin slowly enter him. He kept his eyes closed and held his breath at he tried to get comfortable with the feeling of Jimin inside of him. Jimin slowly started to thrust in and out, kissing Jungkook to try and sooth him. Soon enough, Jungkook was comfortable and let Jimin know this by moving with his hips. Jimin smiled but still kept his slow pace, knowing that Jungkook was probably feeling like he was ripping apart. 

Jungkook looked at him, and with the breath that he had, he screamed 'faster'. Jimin smiled as he picked up his speed and soon all they heard was the sound of skin against skin. 

They looked at each other and ignored the fact that this was wrong, that their love, this, they ignored that everything was wrong. It was just them in that moment. Jimin loved the sound of the little gasps and moans that Jungkook let out. He found them like music to his ears. He decided that this was he new favorite sound. He decided that he new favorite sight was Jungkook coming undone underneath him. He decided that the most amazing feeling was being inside Jungkook, having him so close. He ignored that this was going against so many rules, so many wishes. 

Jungkook loved the feeling of Jimin's skin against his, the way his hips worked in rhythm. He loved how he moved skillfully gracefully, He loved the feeling of Jimin's lips against his skin when he every so often leaned down and placed a kiss on any body part he could reach. He loved the sound of Jimin's small grunts every time he snapped his hips forward. He loved the look of pure exhilaration on Jimin's face. 

They loved everything about each other. 

Jungkook was close and Jimin could tell. He felt Jungkook tighten and release around him and he was loving the feeling. Jungkook gave him a warning and Jimin nodded, saying that he was too. 

With one last thrust Jungkook's finger nails cut into Jimin's skin as he let out a high pitched moan and released over the both of them. Jimin grunted and released himself inside of Jungkook. They went for another kiss, a loved filled sloppy one. Telling each other,

Not to worry, 

Love will win. 


The title has nothing to do with the story but kind of I guess. I mean you should be able to tell which is which. 

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