Chapter 1

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"Ve, that was a long meeting wasn't it Germany?" Said Italy in his usual sing song tones to his 'absolute-bestes-friend-in-the-whole-wide-world' Germany.

The blond man shot one of his softer scowls at his companion. "I don't know vhat your complaining about. You vere asleep for almost the entire gathering."

Italy looked at him blankly. "So?"

The blonde man rolled his eyes, sipping at his beer. He'd decided to grab a drink after the world meeting and, inevitably, Italy had decided to tag along. Japan had wanted to come but had been called away by Hungary to discuses some matters in 'shipping'.

Germany sighed wearily, running his hand through his hair. If he was completely honest with himself Germany was board. A sort of boredom that he hadn't felt since France had made him make all those coco clocks. *Shiver* dark days. He was board not just of today, but of life. I mean he liked the routine and order of his days, yes, and he was contend to live for his friends and work, yes. But at the same time, he was a soldier. The heart of a warrior still burned with in him, yearning for adventure and adrenalin. Nothing was like that feeling of being pushed to the edge both physically and mentally. But  he didn't have that any more.

What he needed was a change. For something spontaneous and wonderful to happen. Some thing to get his heart racing, to test every thing within him. He was owed that much by the universe, surely.

The bell range out, sweet and clear. Germany payed no attention, assuming it was another lost soul, hoping to drown their sorrows in a tankard of beer. Italy, on the other hand, turned at the sound... And his jaw hung open.

Now, one thing you must understand is that, in all the centuries Germany had known him, he had learned of only a few things that had ever made Italy shut up. Whatever was going on by the door must be extraordinary. Germany, in turn, turned on his stool and... Nearly fell off it.

At the door, a young lady stood, tall and elegant. She wore skinny geans and a thick coat aginst the chill of the night outside. She seemed to be in her late teens to early twenties, although for some reason it was hard to tell. She had blond hair that swept her shoulders, pale skin the colour of milk and bright blue eyes. The precise shade of blue that made you feel like she was looking into your very soul and see every secret you had, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. Even from this distance she was...

"Wunderbar," he breathed.

She strode confidently over to the Jukebox by the wall. She paused for a moment, eventually choosing the song 'Never gonna give you up' by Rick Astley. What that was doing on a Jukebox in the middle of a German pub, I don't know. It wasn't particular to Germany's taste but the tune was pleasant enough. Germany's eyes were glued to the young lady as she sat by herself at a table.

"Ve, Germany you like her, don't you?" chimed in Italy (Germany had actually forgotten he was there).

"V-Vhat do you mean? I don't even know her!"

"Well then go and know her! Come on Germany, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Knowing my luck, quite a few things."

"Just go and talk to her," persisted the Italy, giving his puppy dog eyes.

"Vell, vhat vould I even say? I don't know... No, no" he shook his head. "I vont do it."

"Oh come on Germany!" Feliciano begged. "Please, please, please please, please, please, please, please, please please, please, please, please,  please, please please, please,please, please..."

"Alright!" Germany roared. "I'm going. Are you happy now?"

Italy nodded, beaming at his friend. He knew that would work.

Germany started heading in the girls direction, trying to think of all the things he could say that wouldn't make him sound like a creep. So no commenting on her ass, or her chest, or her legs... Basically avoid anything Gilbert would say. (Prussia: Hey, the awesome me resents that!). He was just about to turn around, deciding he could not do this when he found the girl staring at him. She had a serene look on her face that made her look like one of Greece's states of Athena, the only difference being this girl was much prettier.

Germany briefly considered pulling an Italy running away, for the first time in his life. Then she spoke and her voice fixed him in his place.

"I guess you're not much of a talker."

"V-Vhy do you say that?" Asked Germany, stammering. (Prussia:Stammering? This was most unlike Vest).

"Because you've been standing there for nearly two minuets and you haven't said anything."

Germany blushed. (Prussia: Stammering and blushing! He must really like this girl, Keskeskes).

The girl continued. "Your friend over there seemed quite enthusiastic that you talk to me."

"Ah, you... You heard that, did you?"

The girl tilted her head and gave him a frank look, "I think everyone did."

Germany looked at his friend who, right now was chatting up a brunet. How did he make it look so easy?

"So what's your name?" Asked the girl, catching his attention. Great, now she was going to think he was ignoring her.

"My name," he had to stop. What should he say. Well, honesty was always better and she would probably find out anyway. "is Germany."

The girl looked at him like he had gone insane. She blinked several times at him, unable to process what she has just heard. Then she started giggling, then laughing and before you knew it she was guffawing like a hyena, her head back and chair teetering on two legs.

Well this wasn't the reaction Germany had been expecting. He had been thinking she would giggle, yes, but not this.

He was just about to say something when he saw her chair go further back then expected. A moment of panic flashed on her face as her laugh was cut off in her throat.

Time seemed to slow down for Germany, as the girl fell, his soldiers senses kicking in. This was nothing he couldn't handle. He simply stepped forward, picked the girl and let the chair fall to the floor. Of cause, all this happened in about the time it takes a hummingbird to flap it's wings.

The girl blinked her eyes in shock. One seconded she was backwards, the next she was being held close to a muscle boned chest, by powerful arms and looking up into beautiful blue eyes. A single lock of his golden hair fell into his vision and his warm breath was on her face.

"So, uh, Germany... Wow," she said lamely. "Nice to meet you. I'm Saffron."

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