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Germany was on a plane to the world meeting, reflecting on how futility of it all. He let out a sigh in despair. What was the point of it all? They had been having these meeting for centuries and not once in all that time had anything been resolved. The problem was that every country was working for his or her own objective, never truly agreeing with anyone else's ideas unless it benefited them. Nothing would change, nothing could change, until they all had something to fight for together. That was why both Axis and the Allies had worked... Up to a point.

Germany took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes. Some days he just wanted to give it all up, just go home and shut himself off from the world.

Saffron appeared in his mind, with her bright smile and shining eyes. He had to keep going, if for no one else but her. To make a better world for her to live in.

"Mr Germany," said the stewardess.


"We'll be landing shortly sir. Please fasten your seatbelt."

Germany nodded and settled back into his chair, looking out the window as they sunk lower and lower through the bruised British rain clouds. To day was going to be a long day.


Saffron and Vicky walked down the long marble corridor, the ceilings adorned with beautiful jewels and mosaics. Flowers grew clinging to the columns and releasing the sweet smells of spring time into the afternoon air. Never once had Saffron felt nervous to come here, it had never been anything other then inviting. But now it whispered of untold judgement and secrets that had to be told.


Everyone had congregated in the meeting room, it's usual bedlam able to be heard from three corridors away. And the meeting hadn't even started yet! Germany sat in his usual chair next to Prussia. Even though he didn't count as a country any more, he still managed to get himself into almost every meeting.

"Hey, what's vhats up Vest? Trouble vith ze Freundin?"

Germany blush, considering denying the accusation that Saffron was his... Girlfriend, but to be honest he didn't think he wanted too.

"N-no Saffron is fine."

Prussia smirked at his knowingly, "hey, just so you know, I am happy for you."

"Really?" asked his brother suspiciously.

"Keskeskes, it's about time you got some action."

Germany blushed, "It's not like that!"

Prussia looked at him seriously, "that's all she can e Vest. I hate to say it, but she's not a country, she's human. No matter how much you care for her, that wont change. That means one day she vill die. Nothing can stop that, so just... Enjoy your time while you can."

Prussia's scarlet eyes lost their evil twinkle and his voice softened to a level Germany hadn't heard since his childhood. Was he thinking of Old Fritz?

Britain, as the host country, cleared his throat to start the meeting. "Thank you all for coming at such short notice, but it was imperative that this matter be brought to my attention as soon as possible." There was quiet, for once, so Britain continued. "It has come to some of our attention that things are not all as they appear in the world at late. There are fluctuations in energy readings and strange... sightings."

"Uh, Britain dude," piped up America. "Are you sure you're not over reacting? Energy spikes happen all the time."

"This was not energy as you know it," cut in Norway, his cold tones tainted with the barest tone of worry. "This is more magic. Of the type that hasn't been used since the beginning of the world."

Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru! Aru!

"No!" screamed Saffron in desperation. "You cant! You just cant!"

The woman on the throne sighed patiently. "Saffron," she said in a voice like silk. "I know this is hard to understand, but it is time for the truth to come out. It has been long over dew as it is..."

"Surely we could give it a little longer?" the girl pleaded. "A day. Please?"

The  woman shook her head. "There is no way around it sweet. Is this about that Germany boy?"

Hearing Germany being referred to as a 'boy' felt strange to Saffron, but to the woman before Saffron he would seem like a mere child.

"No..." She lied, but then relented. There was no use in hiding it now, not when it could stop what was to come, or at least slow it. "Okay, yes it does. Please don't be mad."

The woman rose from her throne, something she had not done in many millennia. She came close to Saffron, studying her face so intently the girl flinched but dared not move from where she knelt.

The woman stroked her hair, her touch as gentle and loving as a mothers. "Do you love him?"

Saffron tried to look away but she could not, as she was trapped by her queens gaze. "More then I've loved anyone else my whole life."

The queen smiled sadly, "ah, now love is a wonderful thing, my dear. So pure and strong it can last an eternity but all love must go through a test of fire. This is yours and Germany's, Saffron."

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