Chapter 6

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When they got to the street Saffron was greeted with a beautiful Volkswagen beetle from the 1930s. A classic example of Germany engineering, still produced to this day. Like most things German it was blocky, severe looking and seemed like it could drive over a landmine and come out smiling. It was blue and charcoal black (he'd had it re-sprayed after WW II from ebony black to these colours to try and create a better image of himself to the other countries). Overall the car seemed to fit Germany's personality.

"Is it your car?" Saffron asked hopefully.

Germany looked slightly embarrassed, "Ja. I know its old but I never thought to get another and..."

Saffron put a hand on his arm, "don't worry. I like it. It's... Vintage."

Germany raised an eyebrow, "Vintage?"

"Yeah, it means old but cool."

Germany nodded, taking it that 'cool' meant 'good'. He held open the door for her like a true gentleman and she was only too happy to step in.


They started heading off into Berlin. The traffic was surprisingly light considering the time of day, the well ordered cars trundling along in a timely fashion.

"So," started Germany. "Vhere vould you like to go?"

Saffron looked at him, taking a moment from her gazing out the window. "Anywhere you think I should see. This is your county, your city, so I am in your hands. 100% under your control, do with me what you wish."

Germany's mind drifted for a moment. What could he do with her given that kind of power over Saffron? He only stopped this idea when he nearly crashed into another driver.

"Are you okay Germany?" Saffron said, startled, as they continued on their way.

"Ja, I'm fine," he replied, blushing heavily, trying to get perverted images out of his head.

"Are you sure? You look like your going to have a heart attack."

"I'm fine," he said again, more to himself then Saffron. "Totally fine."

Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi Moi

So they drove, passing by places of great significance in German history, Germany giving a more detail explanation then any tour guide alive. They went by the Reichstag building, checkpoint Charley and various other spots. They got out at the Brandenburg gate, strolling under it's vaulted arches. Germany eyed the Embassies of the other countries wearily, certain he could feel their countries eyes upon him and Saffron.

(Prussia: little did little Vest and date know that me and my buddy France here where in his Ambassadors office with high powered binoculars [France; ohhoho but of cause, I always keep them in the back of my car] Prussia: honestly, how did Vest, Vest manage to get a girl zat out of his league? [Francis; I know, it is unbearable!] {Raziel- both of you are despicable, and here's me thinking you were gentlemen} Prussia: hey)

Germany smiled up at Quadriga, the statue of the goddess of victory riding in with her four horses. He felt like she was truly smiling on him tonight.

They grabbed a quick bite to eat and hopped back in the car.

"So," asked Saffron, "what now?"

Germany thought, could he take a chance? "Well, there is some vhere else I'd like to show you. But only if you vant to."

Saffron smiled, "I'd love to."

They headed deeper into the city, to the quieter stretches of suburban streets.

They found a stretch of wall that seemingly had no purpose, no real reason to exist. And yet there was no mistaking this wall. It was known the world over. It's blocky, graffitied surface given a painful backstory by years gone by.

"The Berlin Wall," breathed Saffron as she stepped from the car. Germany nodded as he stood next to her.

"I come here sometimes," the blond man said directly.

Saffron frowned, "why."

"To remind myself that I have a duty of care. To not take my brother for granted. To not let things get as bad as they did then. To not be so veak."

His tone was bitter and hard but with a broken hearted edge. It scared Saffron, that a man so strong could think himself weak in any way. But she wasn't one to give into fear so easily.

"You're no weak," she stated.

"The events leading to this vall being constructed were some of the vosrt in my existence. The real origins lie in var. I took orders from my mad bosses vithout question, even if I did not think them right, and for that of which I didn't know, I turned a blind eye. I vas veak. Then, vhen the var vas over I let the other countries take everything my people had. They separated me from my bruder and I could do nothing to stop them."

Germany wasn't even looking at Saffron now. He couldn't. What if he looked into those piercing blue eyes, that seemed to cut through to his very soul, to find that she found the same weakness in him that he saw. He couldn't bear it if Saffron thought less of him.

Saffron smiled gently, brining a hand to his cheek. The huge, muscular man before her, flinched at the contact as if struck. He was such an imposing figure, strong and powerful, but whenever he was touched he seemed to crumble ever so slightly, obviously not used to physical contact.

He looked down at her. His eyes were a brilliant blue, full of kindness but also lonely.

Tell him, she screamed internally, tell him now and dam the consequences!

No, interjected her practical side, not yet. You don't know him well enough for that.

"You are not weak," state Saffron, ignoring her own internal struggles.

"How?" Germany asked, eyes pleading.

"Because you keep coming back fighting. You never let anyone walk over you without making them regret it later. Anyway, you and your people have learned so much since that time, its amazing. And you're so honest. God, I wish I could be as honest as you sometimes!"

"How do you mean?"

"You didn't have to bring me here or tell me any of this, but you did. And I'm grateful for it."

Germany really didn't know why he'd brought her here. He didn't like putting his problems on other people but... "I feel like I can tell you anything."

He realised he had said this aloud and clamped his mouth shut. God knew what he would say otherwise.

Saffron smiled, he obviously hadn't meant to say that. "I feel the same." She said, while thinking, just not 'everything' just yet.

She bolstered her courage. "Germany... I-is it okay if I kiss you? I mean... last time I just went at you without thinking and freaked you out for about five minuets and even then..."

Germany looked down at the beautiful, babbling woman before him. She still hadn't taken her hand from his cheek, even though she had to stand on tiptoes to do it.

"Ja," he said simply. He then wrapped his strong arms around her slim waist and lifted her from the pavement.

Saffron let out a small yelp, giggling despite herself. When she calmed down she kissed him gently, coaxing his lips to move with hers. He did gradually, like he was doing something bad he knew he shouldn't be, but couldn't help himself. He felt stronger now then he ever had before. It's strange feeling strongest while you are at your weakest point.

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