Chapter 12

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"Recently," continued Britain calmly, "Norway, Romania and myself have been picking up these signals all over the planet. They have been unlike anything we've seen before. We're not even sure what they mean..."

"I knew it!" announced America, bolting up from his chair. "Alien walk among us! Its the slow invasion! Why didn't you tell me Tony."

His little grey companion looked startled, only responding with, "bitch," to the other country's but what America heard was "wait. What did I do?"

Britain rubbed his eyebrows, "It's not aliens you wanka! Myself and the other magic country's have identified it has magical origins. Old magic, to be precise. Of the kind that made every single country in this room, including the ancients."

Everyone turned to China, who found. "Hey, why you all looking at me? I did nothing aru."

Britain continued, "we have no idea what these signals are about or whether or not who ever is sending them is friendly or not but one thing is for certain, we need answers."

"I don't suppose we could help with that?"

Every country turned and, right there in the door way, was a group of young woman and men. Each confident, each strong, each... not suppose to be there.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Britain demanded. "Humans aren't able to entire here."

The head girl smiled, sweeping dark, unruly hair from her face, dark eyes shining mischievously.

"I know that Britain, or should I call you the United Kingdom of Grate Britain, Norton Ireland and Scotland or maybe just plain old Arthur Kirkland, one of the four sons of Britannia."

Britain looked a little frightened now, that was the power of having a long, complicated name. Who ever knew it in it's entirety could hold great psychological authority over you. The man sat, scowling like a child.

"Good, now we've got that settled, let me introduce myself. My name is Atlantic, daughter of ancient Greece."

There was a collective gasp around the room and the usually sleepy Greece was fully awake, "but Atlantic was lost long ago. I saw her disappear!"

The girl smiled happily, "I know little brother, and I've missed you so much. But we can catch up late, right now we have an appointment to keep."

At this, the group of people moved around the room to a specific locations until they formed a perfect circle, each holding  talismans around their necks.

Through out the entire exchange Germany had been unable to focus on what was being said, instead drawn to two things. First the girl speaking; for he had seen those unruly locks before, along with the face that went with it. It was Saffron's friend, Vicky. At this realisation, his blue eyes were drawn to the only miserable face in the group. One that he knew so well.

"Saffron," Germany breathed as she positioned herself behind him.

She did not speak, did not smile, did not even look at him. She couldn't.

"Alright everyone," announced Atlantic/Vicky, "it's time we were off."

She clutched her pink pendent until her hand bled, the others following suit.

One by one the countries around the room disappeared. All the while Germany stared at Saffron, one thought going through his mind. What have you done? until he was gone too.

The World Meeting hall was quiet now, nothing to show that anything had taken place, except for the flutter of papers and puddles of blood that evaporated like morning dew, and all was still once more.

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