Chapter 3

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They walked down the paved pavement, as the glowing streetlights flickered out and as the sun rose over the horizon, turning the morning gold yellow, blood red with ashen grey clouds skittering across the sky. Germany looked down at the girl beside him, still holding her hand (Prussia: I think I know was going on in Vest's head at that point. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!) but he didn't want to let go. Even Germany realised how little he understood about people, especially when it came to physical contact and communication. But right now, he could almost forget his own awkwardness. For this one moment, he could be his own person.

So when Saffron pointed to the apartment block, let go of his hand and stated. "Here we are." Germany felt a sadness creep over him.

"Vell, again goodbye,"he said evenly. "If you're ever in Berlin again, come and see me. Alright?"

"Alright," Saffron replied. As she spoke again her voice grew quiet, as if she were afraid of what she had to say. "Germany... There's-there's something."

"Yes Saffron?" he prompted. She loved the way her name sounded in his accent.

"Would you mind if I, uh, did something naughty?"

Germany went bright red and Saffron realised what her simple enquiry may have suggested. (Prussia: Oh yeah, I bet she... {Raziel-Gilbert Beilschmidt! If you finish that foul mouthed comment of yours I will take Gilbird and your flute and hide them  from you} No! Not my awesome buddy! {Raziel- Then shush})

Saffron waved her hands frantically. "No, no, nothing like that! Just, close your eyes."

Germany was more then hesitant, having no idea where this was going. But he was compelled by the look in Saffon's eyes.

So he closed his eyes. All was black. He could hear Saffron's breath and movement as she moved to the second step leading to the door.

He turned to the sound. Was she going to leave?

He felt a slight breeze on his face. Or was it breath?

He felt a hand on his check. 

And then she kissed him!

Germany let out a startled cry, which was muffled against her lips. He had no idea what to do? Where to put his hands? What was up? What was down? What was his name? His brain was screaming at him:

Ziehen Sie es zusammen Soldat! Kampf! Lauf! Tun Sie etwas, du dummer Kopf!

(Prussia: Do you vant me to translate that? {Raziel-If you wouldn't mind Prussia dead} Right, basically Vest vas thinking "Pull it together soldier! Fight! Run! Do something you stupid head!"   Seriously? Vow, Vest is more of a ninny then I thought. {Raziel- Mr Beilschmidt, will you kindly refrain from your comments?} Fine, vhatever)

Germany couldn't move! His body refused to obey him! All he could do was feel. Feel the softness of her touch, her breath on his face, the warmth of her lips. This whole situation excited and terrified him more anything war in all his centuries of life.

Saffron pulled away, looking like she was going to die from the pure mischief of what she had just done and how she had paralyzed Germany so completely that he looked like a scared bunny in the headlights of an on coming car.

"You're cute when you're scared." She stated cheekily as she started heading up to the door. She looked back at him one last time, framed in golden light from the early morning sun causing her eyes to shine in a way that didn't seem human. With that she was gone, up to her friends apartment. And all Germany could do was stair.

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