chapter 6

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It was last period and I had Music. We had a substitute teacher, so we could basically do what ever we wanted, so i decided to go on my phone and text Grayson.

Ally✨: hey, so who's the girl??x

Grayy🔥: that's a secret alwynne x

Ally ✨: I know, so tell me x

Grayy🔥: It doesn't matter anymore, just for get it x

Ally✨: okay, love you x

Grayy🔥: love you too x

I knew that something was up with Gray, because he always tells me this kind of stuff. Like, I know everything about him, I just wish he told me who the girl was but it's not like I can force it out of him. This is going to bug the life out of me now.

--Grayson's POV--

Eth😜: Dude just ask her to the dance

Grayy🔥: I really want to but what's if she says no and it would be awkward for both of us and I don't want to ruin our friendship over a stupid school dance.

Eth😜: well hurry and do it cause the dance is in 2 weeks

--Ally's POV--

The last bell of the day went, i grabbed my bag and made my way through the crowds and made it to my locker. I got my stuff out of my locker and started to walk out of of the school.

"Hey Alwynne, wait up" I heard someone with a deep voice shouted behind me. I turned around to see that it was a boy called Callum was running up to me, he was in my English class.

"Hey Callum, is everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah, um can i ask you something?"

"Sure" I replied.

"Have you been asked to the dance yet?" I was really surprised by his question because I've not really spoken to him, I occasionally say 'hey' to him but that's about it.

I shook my head then said "No, why?"

"I um, I wanted to know if you'd um, like to go to the dance? With um, with me?" he stuttered.

I felt really bad for him, he was so nervous to ask me that. "I'm sorry, I should've said that I wasn't planning on going to the dance, I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" He said while looking at the ground and walking away.

I walked down the stairs and headed to my car.

I was driving home and I noticed someone walking, and they looked like Grayson from behind. I slowed down the car and honked. The boy turned around and it was Grayson, thank god it was Grayson it would've been so awkward if it wasn't. I stopped the car and waited for Grayson to come in.

"Thanks, Ethan left and I had to walk home." he was saying as he was putting the seatbelt on.

"Why didn't you just message me?"

"I don't know, I wasn't thinking"

"Okay then, so did you ask that girl to the dance yet?" I asked, while i was turning on the road to enter our street.

"No, I'm just going to leave it"

"Aw that's a shame"

I reversed the car in to my driveway. My mum and dads cars weren't there, so they must be at work still.

"Are you wanting to come in?" I asked while we were getting out of the car.

"Um maybe later" he said as he was putting the strap of his bag over his shoulder.

"Okay, see ya later"

"see ya later babe, love you" he said, giving me a smirk and walked over to his house.

"love you to Gray" I shouted as i was entering my house.


That Night


I was sitting in my bath, trying to relax, my bathroom door was open a little bit. I always do that, I don't know why.

After a while I grabbed my towel and got out of the bath, I started brushing my hair and i began singing 'Shower'. I left the bathroom still singing, I heard laughing so looked up and I screamed.

"Grayson I forgot that you were gonna come over. Do you know how scared I was?!"

"I'm  guessing very"

"I almost had a fucking heart attack! That's how scared I was!"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's fine I guess" I said giving him a dirty look

I turned around and walked over to my drawers and grabbed a grey baggy top and underwear. I walked into the bathroom and got changed.

when i came out Grayson looked me up and down, then smiles.

"why are you looking at me like that?"

"You just look really cute" he said  then he looked confused. "Wait a minute, i recognise that tshirt"

"You should it's your, you left it here a while ago and i kind of adopted it"

"aw, that makes sense" he said while letting out a smile.

i went to my bed and got under the duvet and Grayson did the same.

"Guess what happened today" i said while facing him.


"That guy Callum, from English, asked me to the dance"

"Oh" his face went blank and he seemed like he was in shock. "i thought that you weren't going to the dance?"

"I'm not planning on going to the dance, thats why i said no. but i would defiantly consider it if i actually knew the guy and if i liked him"

"Like him in what way? like as a crush or friends?"

"if i liked him in anyway"

"Aw" he said with a slight smile


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