My name is Taylor and I love living on the farm. I am 15 years old. We have a lake and a bridge near the farm. I love my big sister, Kelly, but she lives in NYC and only visits during some holidays. "She's a handful,"my mother would say. She's 25 years old and hasn't married although she does a have a boyfriend named Richard. Richard's a doctor and his family lives in NYC with him. I'm by myself with a mother and father. Oh wait, I do have my friends Kylee and Arnold.
Kylee is as sweet as a sugar! She cheers me on about my problems. Arnold is a pretty sweet guy. He stands up for anyone of his friends. I may have a slight crush for him.
Did I mention the wicked popular girl? She's always causing trouble and can't keep the gap closed, sadly. The popular girl is Kaycee and her wicked friends Madison and Mary. Funny how they both start with an "M" or is it just me?
Im just writing all of this in a journal just so you know.