Chapter 7: Logan Henderson!

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What's that stupid sound? And where am I?



Could someone turn that off please!



I heard a door open and close. I felt my body move. I was probably on a bed and someone sat next to me. "Morning, love." I felt something on my lips. "I wanted to bring Jason but Kendall really wanted to take him." Who are those people? "It's been a week now since the accident." Accident? Am I in the hospital? "Doctor says you can wake up anytime now." I felt the person grab my hand. "I just wish you would give me a sign." Very lightly I squeezed his hand. I heard the person laugh and then I felt something on my lips again. "Please wake up." He whispered and as on cue my eyes fluttered open. I was kinda shocked when I saw who was sitting on my bed. A smiled appeared on his face. "You're awake."

"Logan Henderson?! What are you doing here?" Oh my God, I can't believe I'm talking to Logan Henderson. He has been my celebrity crush since 2009.

"I'm here to visit my girlfriend, silly." He leaned in to kiss me. The beeping thing went faster, that's embarressing. I pushed him back.

"Wow, there pop star. It's not because you're famous, you can just go around and kiss anyone you'd like."

"What are you talking about? I'm your boyfriend. We have a son." I chuckled a little.

"I already have a boyfriend, he's name is Nicholas. And I think I sure would remember dating a pop star and having a child with him."

❤ All Over Again. ❤ (sequel to Love Me Again.) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now