Chapter 8: Remember?

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Logan's P.O.V.

"You don't remember me?" I asked, hurt clearly in my voice.

"Remember you? This is the first time we've met." She said confused.

"No it isn't. We met 4 years ago. When you got your record deal." She chuckled a little.

"I got record deal? Stop messing with me Logan. There's no way I could sing in front of people."

"I'm not messing with you. Look." I showed her a video of her on stage, on my phone. "And this is our baby boy, Jason." I said showing her a picture of Jason.

"He looks just look you." She smiled but that quickly faded. "Where's Nicholas?" I sighed.

"He...He's in jail."

"WHAT?!" She tried to sit up in one swift motion, but it only pained her. "What do you mean he's in jail?" She had calmed down a little bit.

"He did you." It still hurts to think back at that moment.

"No, no, Nicholas would never do something to me, he loves me. Our one year anniversary is coming up. We're about to graduate." She started to blur.

"Joni, you graduated 5 years ago." She shook her head in disbelieve. I reach for the nurse button behind Joni. My face was so close to her, I felt so tempted to kiss her, but I held myself back cause I don't want Joni to feel awkward or anything.

"Yes mr. Henderson?" The nurse said coming in.

"Joni, is awake." I slightly smiled.

"I'll call a doctor." I nodded and turned myself back to Joni.

"I'm gonna call someone. I'll be back later okay?" She nodded. I gave her a kiss on the forehead, force of habit, and went outside. "Hey Kendall." I sighed into the phone.

"Hey, what's up buddy?"

"Joni is awake." I tried to sound happy.

"That's awesome! Why do you sound so bumped?" I guess I failed. I sigh once more.

"She doesn't remember me. Like anything about me. She doesn't even remember Jason. It's like for her those 4 years never happened."

"I'm on my way. What room?"

"212, thanks bro." I hung up and went back into Joni's room. She smiled as I came inside. I slightly smiled back. "So what did the doctor say?"

"My injuries haven't completely health yet so I have to stay here for at least another week." She said annoyed.

❤ All Over Again. ❤ (sequel to Love Me Again.) *complete*Where stories live. Discover now